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See also:
  • [t2b7X]: publisher (name and place) | date(s) | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [t2d94]: title in english | pages
  • [t2j03]: height | width
  • [t2l94]: edition no. | width
  • [t2m97]: publisher (place) | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [t2m98]: edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [t2m99]: edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [t2m99a]: publisher (place) | pages | height | width
  • [t2p85]: title in english | pages
  • [t2p85a]: title in english | pages
  • [t2w82]: height | width
  • [t9h6X]: (main) author(s) | publisher (name and place) | date(s) | edition no. | pages
  • [t9r94]: (main) author(s) | title in english | publisher (name and place) | edition no.
  • [t9r94a]: (main) author(s) | title in english | edition no.
  • [taa86]: title in english | height | width
  • [tab72]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [taf00]: title in english | pages
  • [tal77]: edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [tal82]: edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [tal82a]: edition no. | height | width
  • [tal87]: publisher (name) | edition no. | height | width
  • [tal91]: title in english | edition no.
  • [tal91a]: title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [tal94]: title in english | publisher (place) | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [tal94a]: title in english | edition no.
  • [tal94b]: title in english | width
  • [tal95]: title in english | publisher (place) | edition no. | height | width
  • [tal95b]: title in english | height | width
  • [tam95]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [tan99]: title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [tar46]: edition no. | height | width
  • [tas92]: title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [tat99]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [tay81]: publisher (name and place) | height | width
  • [tbb36]: edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [tbb37]: edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [tbc74]: pages
  • [tbc87]: source number | height | width
  • [tbj85]: title in english | source number | height | width
  • [tbk83]: publisher (place) | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [tbr93]: title in english | source number | height | width
  • [tdd00]: edition no. | height | width
  • [tek97]: source number | edition no. | height | width
  • [ten86a]: edition no.
  • [ten87]: title in english
  • [ten95]: title
  • [teo03]: title in english | pages
  • [tfb90]: (main) author(s)
  • [tfm01]: edition no.
  • [tfs]: frequency | pages | height | width
  • [tgf95]: (main) author(s) | title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [tgf96]: (main) author(s) | title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [tha87]: edition no. | height | width
  • [thc64]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | height | width
  • [the37]: title in english | publisher (name) | source number | pages | height | width
  • [the50]: title in english | source number | height | width
  • [thg90]: publisher (place) | height | width
  • [thh84]: title in english | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [thj88]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | source number | height | width
  • [thj91]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | source number | height | width
  • [thk96]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [thl90]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [thm26]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [thoXX]: publisher (name and place) | country | date(s) | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [thq62]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [thq76]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [thq79]: title in english | height | width
  • [thq83]: height | width
  • [thq84]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [thq87]: title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [thq90]: title in english | height | width
  • [thq93]: title in english | source number | height | width
  • [thq99]: edition no.
  • [ths03]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [ths14]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | height | width
  • [ths76]: edition no.
  • [ths93]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [ths94]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [tht46]: edition no. | height | width
  • [thu85]: edition no.
  • [thw43]: title in english | edition no.
  • [thw43a]: title in english | edition no.
  • [thx95]: title | title in english | publisher (place) | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [tij97]: title in english | pages
  • [tio97]: (main) author(s) | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [tje90]: title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [tjj97]: title in english | edition no. | width
  • [tll19]: title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [tll26]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [tll26a]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [tmj72]: edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [tmp68]: source number | height | width
  • [tms84]: height | width
  • [tnc]: pages | height | width
  • [tnc77]: (main) author(s) | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [toa05]: (main) author(s) | title in english | publisher (name and place) | edition no. | height | width
  • [tom04]: edition no.
  • [tom93]: edition no.
  • [tom99]: edition no.
  • [tor93]: title in english | edition no.
  • [tos87]: title in english | source number | height | width
  • [tow68]: edition no.
  • [toy73]: height | width
  • [toy83]: height | width
  • [tpk97]: edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [tpp]: title in english | pages | height | width
  • [tps]: pages | height | width
  • [tra00a]: title
  • [tra01a]: date(s)
  • [tra01b]: date(s) | height | width
  • [tra01d]: title
  • [tra03]: title in english | pages
  • [tra83]: title in english | pages
  • [tra93]: edition no.
  • [tra99]: edition no.
  • [tra99a]: title in english | pages
  • [traXX]: title in english | source number | date(s) | pages
  • [trb03]: height | width
  • [trcXX]: title | title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | source title | source number | date(s) | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [tre71]: publisher (name and place) | country | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [trf02]: edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [trl22]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [trm81]: title in english | pages
  • [trm82]: title in english | pages
  • [trm84]: title in english | pages
  • [trm84a]: title in english | pages
  • [trm84b]: title in english | pages
  • [trm85]: title in english | pages
  • [trm85a]: title in english | pages
  • [trm86]: title in english | pages
  • [trm87]: edition no.
  • [trm87a]: title in english | pages
  • [trm87b]: title in english | pages
  • [trm87c]: title in english
  • [trm88]: title in english | pages
  • [trm88a]: title in english | pages
  • [trm89]: title in english | pages
  • [trm90]: title in english | pages
  • [trm90a]: title in english | pages
  • [trm90b]: title in english | pages
  • [trm91]: title in english | pages
  • [trm96]: title in english | pages
  • [trm99]: publisher (name) | pages | height | width
  • [trn94]: source number | height | width
  • [trr33]: publisher (place) | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [trt30]: title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [trt33]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [trt33a]: title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [trt33b]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [trt37]: title in english | source number | height | width
  • [trt38]: title in english
  • [trt38a]: title in english
  • [trt56]: title in english | source number | height | width
  • [trt63]: source number | height | width
  • [trt64]: publisher (name and place) | height | width
  • [trt67]: title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [trt69a]: publisher (name and place) | height | width
  • [trt70]: height | width
  • [trt74]: height | width
  • [trt75]: title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [trt83]: edition no. | height | width
  • [tru84]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [trv99]: publisher (place) | country | edition no. | height | width
  • [try91]: (main) author(s) | title in english | height | width
  • [tsd32]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [tse02]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [tsh04]: pages
  • [tsi03]: title | edition no.
  • [tsi93]: title in english | edition no. | height | width
  • [tsk93]: edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [tst83]: title in english | height | width
  • [tst86]: edition no.
  • [tsu98]: publisher (place) | edition no.
  • [tth27]: height | width
  • [tth97]: date(s) | edition no. | width
  • [ttr91]: source number | height | width
  • [ttv88]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [ttv99]: edition no. | height | width
  • [tud94]: edition no.
  • [tue56]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [tuh2X]: date(s) | edition no. | width
  • [tur01]: edition no.
  • [tur03]: edition no.
  • [tur91]: title in english | height | width
  • [tur99]: title in english | height | width
  • [tvf]: pages | height | width
  • [tvh56]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | height | width
  • [tvh59]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | height | width
  • [tvh59a]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | height | width
  • [tvh70]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | height | width
  • [tvi90]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | source number | height | width
  • [twg00]: publisher (place) | country | edition no. | pages | height | width
  • [txb81]: title in english | publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [txr91]: publisher (name and place) | source number | pages | height | width
  • [txt80]: (main) author(s) | edition no.
  • [tye87]: title in english | pages
  • [tyl94]: publisher (name and place) | country | height | width
  • [tyr00]: edition no. | height | width

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