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See also:
- Badens Orden und Ehrenzeichen, Wappen, Standarten und Flaggen und die Uniformen der Großherzoglich Badischen Civil-Staats-Beamten [hzm09]
- Baden-württembergische Befindlichkeiten. Das Land und seine Symbolik. Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart [psc02]
- Baden-württembergische Befindlichkeiten. Das Land und seine Symbolik. Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart [spt02]
- Badges and Flags of the British Regiments [g9b1X]
- Badges of the British Commonwealth [lgv96]
- Badges of the British Commonwealth — Defaced Flags and Ensigns [lgv02]
- Badische Fahnen und Standarten. Karlsruhe am Rhein [d9e36e]
- Bandeira Nacional: Modelo approvado pelo Governo Provisorio da Republica Portuguesa [cba11]
- Bandeiras de Portugal [p9t94]
- Bandeiras de Portugal [s7p04]
- Bandeiras do Universo [vzt5X]
- Bandeiras e estandartes regimentais do Exército e da Armada e outras bandeiras militares (apontamentos) [sls30]
- Bandeiras Históricas do Brasil [lsa40]
- Bandeiras Navaes portuguesas desde o XV seculo até á actualidade [fglXX]
- Bandeiras portuguezas [p9t1X]
- Banderas (periodical) [ban]
- Banderas [rnb86]
- Banderas de España [g2c83]
- Banderas de la Marina de España [fgy85]
- Banderas de los departamentos de Bolivia [b9o90]
- Banderas Españolas contra el Comunismo. Las enseñas de los voluntarios en el Frente del Este 1941-1944. [iba00]
- Banderas Históricas del Museo Nacional [trr33]
- Banderas históricas mexicanas [rom94]
- Banderas y Escudos de la Comunidad de Madrid [m2f89]
- Banderas y Escudos de la Comunidad de Madrid [m2f92]
- Banderas y escudos de la Comunidad de Madrid, volumen 1 [hmq05c]
- Banderas y escudos de la Comunidad de Madrid, volumen 2 [hmq05d]
- Banderas y Escudos de las Comunidades Autónomas [e9s89]
- Banderas y Escudos de las provincias de España [e9s92]
- Banderas y Escudos de todo el Mundo [e9s94]
- Banderas y Escudos del Mundo [a8m86]
- Banderas y Escudos del Mundo [smi85]
- Banderas y escudos municipales [d9oXX]
- Banderas, estandartes y trofeos del Museo del Ejército 1700-1843. Catálogo razonado [smz00]
- Banderia apud Grunwald I: Choragwie polskie pod Grunwaldem / Polish banners at Grunwald [ksc00]
- Banderia apud Grunwald II: Choragwie krzyzackie pod Grunwaldem / Teutonic banners at Grunwald [k2n00]
- Banderia Prutenorum [dug48]
- Banderia Prutenorum [dug58]
- Banderia Prutenorum tudzieź insignia sen clenodia Regni Poloniae [dug51]
- Banderín (periodical) [bdi]
- Bandiere degli stati Italiani [bsc02f]
- Bandiere degli stati Italiani [bsc02g]
- Bandiere di pace: il mondo in costruzione [c6z03]
- Bandiere di tutto il mondo [kan6X]
- Bandiere di tutto il Mondo [tal91]
- Bandiere di tutto il Mondo [tal94a]
- Bandiere e stendardi dell’Esercito Sardo 1713-1802 [rcc06]
- Bandiere in Piemonte [i9t7X]
- Bandiere usate in mare da diverse nazioni sopra i legni da guerra e mercantili [i9t67]
- Bandila: The Story of the Philippine Flag [mel98]
- Bandila: The Story of the Philippine Flag [mel98a]
- Banistiek [gee02]
- Banner bright. An illustrated history of Trade Unian Banners [gmj86]
- Banners of the Durham coalfield [emr98]
- Banners standards and badges from a Tudor mansucript in the College of Arms [whd04]
- Banners with a conscience : 37 banners on sensitive subjects [bgd97]
- Barbarians against Rome: Rome’s Celtic, Germanic, Spanish and Gallic enemies [w2t00]
- Barcelona Vexil·lològica. 14 Congrés Internacional de Vexil·lologia 30 juny - 5 juliol 1991. Comunicacions [icv91]
- Барјаци Колашинске бригаде | Barjaci Kolaŝinske brigade [kjv97]
- Basic Heraldry [faf93]
- Basic Heraldry [faf99]
- Battle Flags of Texans in the Confederacy [smr94]
- Battle Flags of the Army of the Potomac Carried at Gettysburg [bea84]
- Battle Honours of the British and Commonwealth Armies [bkyXX]
- Battle Honours of the British and Indian Armies, 1662-1982 (The) [cok87]
- Battle Honours of the British and Indian Armies, 1695-1914 (The) [lsl70]
- Battle Honours of the Indian Army, 1757-1971 [ssg93]
- Battle’s Sound : Drake’s Drum and The Drake Flags (The) [gkb96]
- Battlefields of the Civil War [dwc89]
- Bayerische Fahnen und Fahnenstickerei [bac82]
- Bayerischer Sportschützenbund 1950-1990 [gnr90]
- Bear Flag Rising [wlk00]
- Bedford Flag (The) [smi71]
- Bedford Flag : A national treasure (The) [hcb98]
- Beiträge, 8. Internationaler Kongress für Vexillologie, Wien, 25.-29. Juni 1979 [icv79]
- Ben bir Türk’üm: Türk Düşünce ve Hayat Tarzının Tarihi Gelişimi [zkoXX]
- Bendera dan lambang negara dan negeri Malaysia [m9y63]
- Bendera Kita [o2h97]
- Beneath the Southern Cross [cay80]
- Bergen bys våpen, flagg og segl [n9o70]
- Bergen bys våpen, segl og flagg i historisk perspektiv. Kommunal bruk av Bergens bymerke gjennom tidene [n9o98b]
- Bergens bys segl, vaaben, farver, og flag [kud21]
- Berlin und seine Wappen [vog87]
- Beseglat och bestyrkt: Klämmor, bullor och andra sigill [abu97]
- Best of the Flags of the World Members Web Sites (The) [mtc98]
- Betenkning afgivet af Flaglovkommissionen af 19. juli 1927 [d9k25]
- Betsy Ross [wax94]
- Betsy Ross : patriot of Philadelphia [gju97]
- Betsy Ross and the Flag [mil65]
- Betsy Ross and the Flag [mrs52]
- Betsy Ross, Girl of Old Philadelphia [wan83]
- Bibliografi over heraldisk litteratur i Danmark og om Danmark 1589-1969 [r2a71]
- Bibliographie zur Heraldik: Schrifttum Deutschlands und Österreichs bis 1980 [hnj84]
- Bibliography of Flags of Foreign Nations (The) [smi65]
- Bildpropaganda der römischen Kaiserzeit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Trajanssäule in Rom und korrespondierender Münzen [scp82]
- Billedet som politisk våben [vgt88]
- Биографии гербов флагов гимнов зарубежных стран | Biografii gerbov flagov gimnov zarubeẑnyq stran [edb67]
- Biographisches Lexikon der Heraldiker sowie der Sphragistiker, Vexillologen und Insignologen [arn92]
- Birth of an Ideology: Myths and Symbols of Nation in Late-Medieval France (The) [bun91]
- BI-Taschenlexikon: Flaggen und Wappen [hzg80]
- Blasón de Aragón. El Escudo y la Bandera [f2r95]
- Blasone marittimo del Mediterraneo [i9t65]
- Blätter der Erinerung an die Fahnenweihe des Bürger-Corps zu Graz am 15. September 1861 [plq61]
- Blazon- kaj flag-bulteno (periodical) [bfb]
- Blessings on the Wind : The Magic and Meaning of Tibetan Prayer Flags [wta02]
- Blood Sacrifice and the Nation: Totem Rituals and the American Flag [mig99]
- Blue and White in Color: Visual Images of Zionism, 1897-1947 [abr96]
- Blue and white in colour 1897-1947 [u9s97j]
- blue flag, eco-label for beaches and marinas (The) [d2t05]
- blue flag, eco-label for beaches and marinas (The) [d2t05a]
- Blue: The History of a Color [pst01]
- Боевое красное знамя | Boevoe krasnoe znamâ [rpo64]
- Bogen om flag [wow96]
- Bojowe Sztandary i Proporce armii Krajowej [nko91]
- Boletín A.P.C.R.A. (periodical) [apc]
- Boletín CIDEC (periodical) [cid]
- Book of Flags (The) [eva57]
- Book of Flags (The) [eva60]
- Book of Flags (The) [eva65]
- Book of Flags (The) [eva66a]
- Book of Flags (The) [eva69]
- Book of Flags (The) [eva74]
- Book of Flags (The) [g2o50]
- Book of Flags (The) [g2o53]
- Book of the Knowledge of all the Kingdoms, Lands, and Lordships that are in the World, and the Arms and Devices of each Land and Lordship, or of the Kings and Lords who possess them [f0f12]
- book of world flags (The) [dev92]
- Borg i segl, mynt og våpen [trt67]
- Boutell’s Heraldry [rha70]
- Boutell’s Heraldry [rha73]
- Boutell’s Heraldry [rha78]
- Boutell’s Heraldry [rha82]
- Boutell’s Heraldry [scg50]
- Boutell’s Heraldry [scg54]
- Boutell’s Heraldry [scg58]
- Boutell’s Heraldry [scg63]
- Boutell’s Heraldry [scg66]
- Boutell’s Manual of Heraldry [hol31]
- Brasão da Cidade de Lisboa. Brasão de Armas, Selo e Bandeira da Cidade de Lisboa [dia68]
- Brazões e bandeiras do Brasil [rib33]
- British Cavalry Standards [lmn71a]
- British Colours and Standards 1747-1881 (1) Cavalry [smn01c]
- British Colours and Standards 1747-1881 (2) Infantry [smn01i]
- British Empire flags [g9b34]
- British flag. How? When? Why? (The) [sco78]
- British Flags [prr22]
- British Flags & Emblems [gra04]
- British Infantry Colours [lmn71]
- Broad Stripes and Bright Stars [o9o7X]
- Broad Stripes and Bright Stars [u9s70]
- Broadù Europa / Nations of Europe [bol05]
- Brockhaus Enzyklopädie [bro68]
- Brockhaus Enzyklopädie [bro76]
- Brown’s Flags and Funnels [wed26]
- Brown’s Flags and Funnels [wed58]
- Brown’s Flags and Funnels of British and Foreign Steamship Companies [lgr82]
- Brown’s flags and Funnels of british and Foreign Steamship Companies [stg71]
- Brown’s flags and Funnels of british and Foreign Steamship Companies [stg76]
- Brown’s Flags and Funnels of British and Foreign Steamship Companies [wed29]
- Brown’s Flags and Funnels of British and Foreign Steamship Companies [wed34]
- Brown’s Flags and Funnels of British and Foreign Steamship Companies [wed40]
- Brown’s Flags and Funnels of British and Foreign Steamship Companies [wed51]
- Brown’s Flags and Funnels of Shipping Companies of the World [lgr95]
- Brown’s signalling how to learn the international code of visual and sound signals [swk44]
- Brown’s signalling how to learn the international code of visual and sound signals [swk47]
- Brown’s Standards and Flags of All Nations [g9b05a]
- Bruket av symboler och arkeologi [s9e98]
- Budapesti önkormányzatok jelképei 2001 [vrg01]
- Buekorpsfaner i Bergen. Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum 1.12. 1996 — 26.1. 1997 i samarbeid med Buekorpsmuseet i Bergen [lgl96]
- Bulgaria Fahnenbilder: Außereuropäische Staaten [neu31e]
- Bulgaria Fahnenbilder: Europa-Serie [neu31d]
- Bulgaria-Fahnenbilder: Ruhmreiche Fahnen Deutscher Geschichte: Die Fahnen und Standarten der alten Armée [neu33]
- Bumerker og andre merker i Mariakirken i Bergen [jhg84]
- Burgees of Recreational Boating in South Africa — a preliminary checklist (The) [edr97]
- Burning the Flag: The Great 1989-1990 American Flag Desecration Controversy [gst96]
- Български войни знамена и флагове | Bwlgarski voĭni znamena i flagove [ivi98]
- Бытъ По Сему | Byt Po Semu “So Be It” [f2m06]
- Byzantine armies 886-1118 [het79]
- Byzantine coins [wht73]
- Calendrier 1998 : Drapeaux régimentaires et d’associations militaires [b9e97]
- Caltex book of Flags and Funnels (The) [scx59]
- Canada: Symbols of Sovereignty [swa77]
- Canada’s Flag: A Search for a Country [mat86]
- Canadian Heraldic Authority / L’ Autorité héraldique du Canada (The) [cnd90]
- Canadian Symbols Kit [c9a91]
- Cannae 216 BC - Hannibal smashes Rome’s army [hem94]
- Caramelos. Bandeiras e Escudos de todos os Países do Mundo e concelhos de Portugal [p9t6X]
- catalogue of the ancient sculptures preserved in the municipal collections of Rome: The sculptures of the Palazzo dei Conservatori (A) [jnh26a]
- catalogue of the ancient sculptures preserved in the municipal collections of Rome: The sculptures of the Palazzo dei Conservatori – Plates (A) [jnh26]
- Ceremonireglemente för Försvarsmakten, Del 1. Riksomfattande ceremonier [cfm98]
- Cerimonial da Marinha [b9r98]
- Česka republika ve znacich, symbolech a erbech [aug97]
- Ceská státni a vojenská symbolika / Czech state and military symbols [c9z96]
- Ceskoslovenska statni a vojenska symbolika [svb91]
- Chile, Perú y Bolivia independentes [bsdXX]
- choice of colours on flags: Colours of the nation (The) [lgv97]
- Choragwie cerkiewne XVII-XIX wieku : Ze zbiorów Muzeum Historycznego w Sanoku [p9l97]
- Choragwie i Flagi Polskie [mll62]
- Cinquantenaire de notre hymne national «O Canada, terre de nos aïeux» : les origines de nos drapeaux et chants nationaux, armoiries, emblèmes, devises [mgn29]
- City of Dundee. Scotland. A Chronicle of The City’s Office Bearers, Chambers, Regalia, Castles & Twin Cities [g9b01]
- Civic & corporate heraldry: a dictionary of impersonal arms of England, Wales & N. Ireland [bri71]
- Civic arms and flags [g9bXX]
- Civil War battle flags of the Union Army and order of battle [u9s97m]
- Civil War flags to color [smi94w]
- Clashing Symbols? A report on the use of flags, anthems and other national symbols in Northern Ireland [b2c94]
- Co máme vědět o státních symboléch [jsb88]
- Coat of Arms Corporate Identity Guidelines [z9a04]
- Coat of Arms of the City of Sydney (The) [a9u01]
- Codice Internazionale dei Segnali [i9t82]
- Código Internacional de Sinais [p9t34]
- Collegium Heradicum Fennicumin julkaisuja (periodical) [chf]
- Collins Gem Flags [shw92]
- Collins Gem Flags [shw94]
- Collins Gem Flags [shw97]
- Collins Gem Flags [shw99]
- Collins Gem Flags of the World [r7m86]
- Colonial Flag Badges — Chronology [wee02]
- Colors and Blood: Flag Passions of the Confederate South [bnr02]
- Colors of the Great Lakes and Seaways Flags and Smokestacks [lli06]
- Colors of the Great Lakes and Seaways Flags and Smokestacks [lli99]
- Colours and Standards of the British Army (The) [mfr67]
- Colours of British regiments Volume 3: militia, fencibles, volunteers, local militia [gddXX]
- Colours of the British Army, Comprising the Standards, Guidons, and Flags of All the Regiments in Her Majesty’s Service, with Every Battle Recorded on Them (The) [lam91]
- Colours of the British Army; Comprising the Standards, Guidons, and Flags, of Every Regiment in Her Majesty’s Service (The) [mfr67a]
- Colours of the British Army; Comprising the Standards, Guidons, and Flags, of Every Regiment in Her Majesty’s Service (The) [mfr69]
- Colours of the Fleet [frr94]
- Colours of the Fleet (The) [frr97]
- Colours of the Fleet (The) [g9b94a]
- Colours Of The Gray: An Illustrated Index Of Wartime Flags From The Museum Of The Confederacy’s Collection [rar98]
- Colours of the Grenadier Guards (The) [mfr70]
- column (The) [mic71]
- column of Antoninus Pius (The) [vgl73]
- Commentatio politico-historica de vexillis et vexilliferis, germanice: Von dem Ursprunge und vielerley Arten der Fahnen, auch von denen Fahnen-Trägern und derselben Amte [wnr41]
- Commodore’s Signal Book and Vade Mecum (The) [mnn74]
- Communicaciones, XI Congreso Internacional de Vexilologia, Madrid, 26-31 Mayo 1985 [icv85]
- Compilación de normas y orientaciones para símbolos municipales en la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón [e9s94a]
- Complete Book of Heraldry (The) [ssp02]
- Complete Flags of the World [g9b02]
- Complete Flags of the World [rya05]
- Complete Flags of the World [rya99]
- Complete Guide (The) [cra90b]
- Complete Guide to Clubs and Flags (The) [t2m98]
- Complete Guide to Clubs and Flags (The) [t2m99a]
- Complete Guide to Flags (The) [cra89]
- Complete Guide to Flags (The) [cra89a]
- Complete Guide to Flags (The) [cra90f]
- Complete Guide to Heraldry (A) [fox25]
- Comunicaciones al XV Congreso internacional de las ciencias genealogica y heraldica, Madrid 19.-26. — IX — 1982. Tomo I [ghc82a]
- Comunicaciones al XV Congreso internacional de las ciencias genealogica y heraldica, Madrid 19.-26. — IX — 1982. Tomo II [ghc82b]
- Comunicaciones al XV Congreso internacional de las ciencias genealogica y heraldica, Madrid 19.-26. — IX — 1982. Tomo III [ghc82c]
- Concise Encyclopedia of Heraldry [rot94]
- concise history of early Texas, 1519 to 1861 (A) [gce64]
- Confederate Battle Flag: America’s most Embattled Emblem (The) [csk05]
- Confederate Flag (The) [mcz03]
- Confederate Flags In The Georgia State Capitol Collection [u9sXX]
- Confederate Flags of the Civil War [ktc03]
- Confederate symbols in the contemporary South [r3m00]
- Conhecer — Bandeira e Hino [p9t04]
- Constitutions — what they tell us about national flags and coats of arms [vap00]
- Contribution to New Glory (A) [mad75]
- Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani – Corpus of sculpture of the Roman world: Great Britain Volume I Fascicule 6: Hadrian’s Wall west of the North Tyne, and Carlisle [cph88]
- Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (Corpus of sculpture of the Roman world), Great Britain Volume I, Fascicule 4: Scotland [k2a84]
- Corpus Vexillorum Mundi (CVM): National Flags [u9s86]
- Correction numéro 1 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie90a]
- Correction numéro 1 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives / National flags and distinctive markings - Change Nr 1 [pay01]
- Correction numéro 10 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie93a]
- Correction numéro 11 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie93b]
- Correction numéro 12 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie93c]
- Correction numéro 13 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie93d]
- Correction numéro 14 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie93e]
- Correction numéro 15 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie94]
- Correction numéro 16 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie94a]
- Correction numéro 17 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie94b]
- Correction numéro 18 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie95a]
- Correction numéro 19 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie95b]
- Correction numéro 2 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pay02]
- Correction numéro 2 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie90b]
- Correction numéro 20 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie95c]
- Correction numéro 21 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie95d]
- Correction numéro 22 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie95e]
- Correction numéro 23 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie95f]
- Correction numéro 24 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pay96]
- Correction numéro 25 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pay96a]
- Correction numéro 26 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pay96b]
- Correction numéro 27 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pay97]
- Correction numéro 28 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pay97a]
- Correction numéro 29 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pay97b]
- Correction numéro 3 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pay03]
- Correction numéro 3 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie91]
- Correction numéro 30 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pay98]
- Correction numéro 4 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [cor04]
- Correction numéro 4 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie91a]
- Correction numéro 5 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie91b]
- Correction numéro 6 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie91c]
- Correction numéro 7 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie92]
- Correction numéro 8 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie92a]
- Correction numéro 9 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie93]
- Correction récapitulative N°1 numéro 1 à l’ Album des Pavillons nationaux et des Marques distinctives [pie95]
- Correspondence Regarding Adoption of Flag Badges by the Colonies [kly89a]
- Counties and Courthouses of Iowa (The) [plr77]
- Countries Arms & Flags [g9b05]
- County Flags [obrXX]
- Црногорска ратна застава у Државном ермитажу Ленјинграду | Crnogorska ratna zastava u Drẑavnom ermitaẑu u Lenjingradu [lke65]
- Црногорски државни и династички амблеми : грбови, заставе, химна | Crnogorski drẑavni i dinastiĉki amblemi : grbovi, zastave, qimna [jvc01]
- Crux Australis (periodical) [cxa]
- Cuba: bandera, himno y escudo [rre97]
- Цвета планеты | Cveta planety [m6c64]
- Czechoslovak flag. Historic coat of arms of the Czechoslovak lands. Arms and flags of Czechoslovak National Council (The) [u9s18]
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