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Title: Erinnerungsblatt mit den Fahnen und Uniformen der eidgenössischen Zuzüger in Basel 1792
/ Une estampe représentant les drapeaux et les uniformes des troupes d’occupation de la frontière
Bâle en 1792
(in English: Commemorative sheet with the colours and uniforms of the confederate frontier occupation forces at Basel in 1792)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): I-2 = 2 (1970)
Source pages: 1-4
Title: Die Kommandostandarten des Generals
/ L’étendard du Général
(in English: The command standard of the general of the Swiss army and the pennants of the army unit commanders)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): II-1 = 3 (1971)
Source pages: 29-38
Full title: Die Kommandostandarten des Generals und der
Heereseinheitskommandanten der Schweizerischen Armee /
L’étendard du Général de l’Armée
Suisse et les fanions des commandants d’unités
Title: Die Feldzeichen der Armbrust- und Feuerschützen in Zürich im 15.
und 16.
/ Les enseignes des arbalétriers et des arquebusiers zurichois au XVe et au XVIe siècle
(in English: The colours of the crossbowmen and arquebusiers in Zurich in the 15th and 16th century)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): III-1 = 5 (1973)
Source pages: 32-40
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Title: Das Restaurieren historischer Fahnen:
Ein Beitrag
über die Schäden durch frühere Konservierungs- und Restaurierungsarbeiten
(in English: The restoration of historical flags:
a contribution on the damages caused by early works of conservation and restoration)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Language: German (High)
Source title: Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte
Source number (date): 32 (1975)
Remarks: Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte.
Title: Die Fahnen des 10.
Schweizerregiments in französischen Diensten,
/ Les drapeaux du 10e régiment suisse au service de France de 1752
(in English: The colours of the 10th Swiss regiment in French service,
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): IV-2 = 8/9 (1976)
Source pages: 26-35
Missing info! (1)
Title: Einige neue Aspekte
über Fahnen von Schweizer Regimentern in
österreichischen Diensten
(in English: A few new aspects of the flags of the Swiss regiments serving Austria)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Language: German (High)
Source title: Beiträge,
Internationaler Kongress für Vexillologie,
Juni 1979
Source number (date): (1979)
Source pages: 1-8
Title: Vorwort zur Herausgabe des Luzerner Fahnenbuches
/ Préface
édition du Livre des drapeaux (Fahnenbuch) de Lucerne
(in English: Preface to our edition of the Book of Colours (Fahnenbuch) of Lucerne)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): V-1 = 10/11 (1978)
Source pages: LU1
Title: Les trophées et les livres de drapeaux de Lucerne
/ Luzerns Fahnentrophäen und Fahnenbücher
(in English: The captured colours and books of colours of Lucerne)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: French and German (High)
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): V-1 = 10/11 (1978)
Source pages: LU1
Title: Luzerner Fahnenbuch.
Teil 1
/ Le livre des drapeaux de Lucerne.
Première partie
(in English: Book of Colours of Lucerne.
Part 1:
The trophies from the battle of Sempach 1386 [plates 1-4 with 9 colours])
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): V-1 = 10/11 (1978)
Source pages: supplement
Full title: Luzerner Fahnenbuch. Teil 1: Die
Trophäen aus der Schlacht von Sempach 1386 [Tafeln 1-4 mit 9 Fahnen]
/ Le livre des drapeaux de Lucerne. Première partie: Les
trophées de la bataille de Sempach 1386 [feuillets 1-4
avec 9 drapeaux]
Title: Das Luzerner Fahnenbuch.
Teil 2:
/ Le Livre des drapeaux de Lucerne.
Deuxième partie
(in English: The Book of Colours of Lucerne.
Part 2:
The trophies from the campaign of Eschental 1411 and the Burgundian booty [plates 5-17 with 16 colours])
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): V-2 = 12/13 (1980)
Source pages: supplement
Full title: Das Luzerner Fahnenbuch. Teil 2: Die
Trophäen aus dem Eschentalerzug 1411 und die
Burgunderbeute 1476 [Tafeln 5-17 mit 16 Fahnen] / Le Livre des
drapeaux de Lucerne. Deuxième partie: Les
trophées de la campagne de l’Eschental 1411
et les éténdards d’ordon
Title: Das Luzerner Fahnenbuch.
Teil 3:
Die Trophäen aus dem Schwabenkrieg 1499
/ Le Livre des drapeaux de Lucerne ("Fahnenbuch").
Troisième partie:
Les trophées de la guerre de Souabe 1499
(in English: The Book of Colours of Lucerne.
Part 3:
The trophies from the Swabian war [plates 17a-25 with 8 colours])
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): V-3 = 14/15 (1982)
Source pages: supplement
Full title: Das Luzerner Fahnenbuch. Teil 3: Die
Trophäen aus dem Schwabenkrieg 1499 [Tafeln 17a-25 mit 8
Fahnen] / Le Livre des drapeaux de Lucerne ("Fahnenbuch").
Troisième partie: Les trophées de la guerre de
Souabe 1499 [feuillets 17a-25 avec 8 drapeaux]
Title: Zusammenstellung der publizierten Artikel
über Schweizerregimenter in französischen Diensten von 1490-1792,
die in den Jahrbüchern VEXILLA HELVETICA von 1969-85 erschienen sind
(in English: Survey of the published articles about Swiss regiments in French service 1490-1792,
which have appeared in the yearbooks VEXILLA HELVETICA 1969-85)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Language: German (High)
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI-1 = 16/17 (1984)
Source pages: 32-34
Title: Das Luzerner Fahnenbuch.
Teil 4
/ Le Livre des drapeaux de Lucerne.
Quatrième partie
(in English: The Book of Colours of Lucerne.
Part 4 (with 8 colours):
The Upper Italian wars 1494-1544;
The saltire in the lansquenets’
The Milan campaigns 1512-1515)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI-2 = 18 (1986)
Source pages: 11-33
Full title: Das Luzerner Fahnenbuch. Teil 4 (mit 8 Fahnen)
/ Le Livre des drapeaux de Lucerne. Quatrième partie
(avex 8 drapeaux): Die Oberitalienischen Kriege 1494-1544; Das
Andreaskreuz in den Landsknechtsfahnen; Die Mailänder
Feldzüge 1512-1515
Title: Jahresbericht des Präsidenten 1987/88
(in English: Annual report of the president 1987/88)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Language: German (High)
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI-3 = 19 (1987)
Source pages: 36-38
Title: Das Luzerner Fahnenbuch.
Teil 5 (mit 7 Tafeln)
/ Le Livre des drapeaux de Lucerne.
Cinquième partie (avex 7 planches):
Die Hugenottenkriege 1562-1598;
Die Schlacht von Lepanto am 7.10.1571
(in English: The Book of Colours of Lucerne.
Part 5 (with 7 plates):
The Huguenot wars 1562-1598;
The battle of Lepanto,
7 October 1571)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI-3 = 19 (1987)
Source pages: 39-61
Title: Jahresbericht des Präsidenten 1988/89
/ Rapport sur l’année 1988/89
(in English: Annual report of the president 1988/89)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI/VII-1 = 21 (1989)
Source pages: 3-7
Title: Aufruf zur Mitarbeit
/ Appel
la collaboration
(in English: Call for collaboration)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI/VII-1 = 21 (1989)
Source pages: 22
Title: Liste des régiments suisses au service de France 1672-1792
(in English: List of the Swiss regiments in French service 1672-1792)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Language: French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI/VII-1 = 21 (1989)
Source pages: 23-27
Title: Liste des régiments suisses au service de France 1799-1805
(in English: List of the Swiss regiments in French service 1799-1805)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Language: French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI/VII-1 = 21 (1989)
Source pages: 28
Title: Liste des régiments suisses au service de France 1805-1814
(in English: List of the Swiss regiments in French service 1805-1814)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Language: French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI/VII-1 = 21 (1989)
Source pages: 29
Title: Liste des régiments suisses au service de France 1814-1830
(in English: List of the Swiss regiments in French service 1814-1830)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Language: French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI/VII-1 = 21 (1989)
Source pages: 30
Title: Liste des régiments suisses au service de France 1855-1859
(in English: List of the Swiss regiments in French service 1855-1859)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Language: French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI/VII-1 = 21 (1989)
Source pages: 31
Title: Das Luzerner Fahnenbuch.
Teil 6:
/ Le Livre des drapeaux de Lucerne.
Sixième partie:
Les guerres de Villmergen
(in English: The Book of Colours of Lucerne.
Part 6:
The Villmergen wars)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VI/VII-1 = 21 (1989)
Source pages: 58-81
Title: Jahresbericht des Präsidenten 1990/91
/ Rapport sur l’année 1990/91
(in English: Annual report of the president 1990/91)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VII-1 = 22/23 (1990)
Source pages: 5-8
Title: Fahnen-Kongress 1993;
Kommentare usw.
/ Congrès de Vexillologie 1993;
(in English: Vexillological congress 1993;
oral presentations,
comments etc)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VII-2 = 24/25 (1992)
Source pages: 20-48
Title: Die Fahnenholzschnitte des Meisters C.S.
/ Résumé)
(in English: The flag wood-engravings of master C.S.
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): VII-2 = 24/25 (1992)
Source pages: 112-125
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Title: Fahnen und ihre Symbole
(in English: Flags and their symbols)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: English,
French and German (High)
Source title: Fahnen Flags Drapeaux.
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Vexillology,
23-27 August 1993
Source number (date): (1999.09)
Source pages: 27-37
Remarks: contains a German,
an English and a French version
Title: Das Luzerner Fahnenbuch.
Teil 7
/ Le Livre des drapeaux de Lucerne.
Septième partie
(in English: The Book of Colours of Lucerne.
Part 7)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Peter M.
Languages: German (High) and French
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica
Source number (date): IX-1 = 30/31 (1998)
Source pages: 61-78
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