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Title: Die Flagge. Geschichte der Entwicklung der auf den Kriegs- und Handelsschiffen zur Verwendung kommenden Flaggen unter Berücksichtigung des Gebrauchs von Flaggen zu Signal und Salutzwecken
(in English: The Flag. History of the evolution of the ensigns flown by war and merchant ships, considering the use of flags for signalling and saluting)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Rudolf Siegel, Vize-Admiral z.D.
Edition (publisher: place): Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen) Verlagsbuchhandlung: Berlin (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1912
Pages: 267 pp. text + 15 pp. introduction + 6 pp. index and 64 plates
Format: 28×20(×5) cm

Remarks: Edited with by request of the Staatssekretär des Reichsmarineamts. With 48 plates in colour and 16 plates in black/white; approx. 18 flags on each.

Full title: Die Flagge. Geschichte der Entwicklung der auf den Kriegs- und Handelsschiffen zur Verwendung kommenden Flaggen unter Berücksichtigung des Gebrauchs von Flaggen zu Signal und Salutzwecken

(in English: The Flag. History of the evolution of the ensigns flown by war and merchant ships, considering the use of flags for signalling and saluting)

A very valuable book, with a naval-oriented but very complete vexillological analysis, with the history and evolution of all the world’s ensigns.
Emil Dreyer, 25 Mar 2000


Title: “Метрика церковна” Антонія Винницького 1675 року та її поширення в Україні | “Metrika cerkovna” Antonịâ Vinnichkogo roku ta 1680 ị̈ị̈ poŝirennâ v Ukraị̈nị
(in English: “Church Birth Certificate” by Antoniy Vynnytskyi in 1675 and its Dissemination in Ukraine)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ігор Скочиляс | Ịgor Skoĉilâs
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 24 (2001.10)
Source pages: 2-4


Title: Метрична реформа у Львівській єпархії 1680 року | Metriĉna reforma u Lhvịvshkịĭ ẹparqịị̈ 1680 roku
(in English: Metrical Reform in Lviv Diocese in 1680)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ігор Скочиляс | Ịgor Skoĉilâs
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 25 (2001.12)
Source pages: 2-3


Title: До історії прапора “Просвіти” | Do ịstorịị̈ prapora “Prosvịti”
(in English: To the History of the Flag of Prosvita”-Society)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ігор Скочиляс | Ịgor Skoĉilâs
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 6 (1994.07)
Source pages: 3-4


Title: Герб та печатки села Панівці | Gerb ta peĉatki sela Panịvcị
(in English: Arms and Seal of the Village of Panivtsi)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ігор Скочиляс | Ịgor Skoĉilâs
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 9 (1995.02)
Source pages: 4


Title: Печатки та символіка села Устя | Peĉatki ta simvolịka sela Ustâ
(in English: The Seals and Symbols of the Village of Ustya)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ігор Скочиляс | Ịgor Skoĉilâs
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 10 (1995.08)
Source pages: 8


Title: Зі сфрагістики села Цигани | Zị sfragịstiki sela Cigani
(in English: From the Sphragistics of Tsygany Village)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ігор Скочиляс | Ịgor Skoĉilâs
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 11 (1996.03)
Source pages: 9


Title: Метричні книги в Галичині першої половини XVIII ст. | Metriĉnị knigi v Galiĉinị perŝoị̈ polovini XVIII st.
(in English: Metrical Books in Galicia at the First Half of the 18th c.)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ігор Скочиляс | Ịgor Skoĉilâs
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 14 (1997.12)
Source pages: 4-5


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Title: Les drapeaux du canton de Fribourg du Xve au XVIIIe siècle / Die Fahnen des Kantons Freiburg vom 15.-18. Jahrhundert
(in English: The flags of the canton Fribourg from the 15th to the 18th century)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Sabine Sille Maienfisch
Languages: French and German (High)
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica [vxh]
Source number (date): VII-3 = 26/27 (1994)
Source pages: 1-109 (?)

Full title: Les drapeaux du canton de Fribourg du Xve au XVIIIe siècle, inventaire et classification historique / Die Fahnen des Kantons Freiburg vom 15.-18. Jahrhundert, Inventarisierung und kunsthistorische Einordnung (In English: The flags of the canton Fribourg from the 15th to the 18th century, inventory and historical classification)


Title: Les drapeaux du canton de Fribourg du Xve au XVIIIe siècle / Die Fahnen des Kantons Freiburg vom 15.-18. Jahrhundert
(in English: The flags of the canton Fribourg from the 15th to the 18th century, inventory and historical classification (part 2))
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Sabine Sille Maienfisch
Languages: French and German (High)
Source title: Vexilla Helvetica [vxh]
Source number (date): VIII-1 = 28/29 (1996)
Source pages: 1-116

Full title: Les drapeaux du canton de Fribourg du Xve au XVIIIe siècle, inventaire et classification historique (tome II) / Die Fahnen des Kantons Freiburg vom 15.-18. Jahrhundert, Inventarisierung und kunsthistorische Einordnung (Teil II) (In English: The flags of the canton Fribourg from the 15th to the 18th century, inventory and historical classification (tome II))


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Title: Auf den Spuren der Fahnen Freiburgs i. Ue.
(in English: On the tracks of the flags of Freiburg i. Ue.)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Sabine Sille Maienfisch
Language: German (High)
Source title: Fahnen Flags Drapeaux. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Vexillology, Zurich, 23-27 August 1993 [icv93]
Source number (date): (1999.09)
Source pages: 161-163


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [sim84]


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Title: Library Notes for the Royal Commonwealth Society
Medium: book
Main author(s): Simpson
Edition (publisher: place): (unpublished) (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1984

I’ve just got a copy of Simpson’s Library Notes for the Royal Commonwealth Society, based on the publication Flags, Badges and Arms of His Majesty’s Dominions beyond the Seas and of Territories under His Majesty’s Protection, published by HMSO in [1910 and [1932. It also covers later supplements so is quite good for any changes that occurred between 1910 and about 1950. It also gives dates of changes up to 1973 based upon Geoffrey Briggs National Heraldry of the World [bri73].
David Prothero

Not really a book, just a few type written sheets in the Cambridge University Library: It’s a compilation of information about Flags, Badges and Arms of the Commonwealth mainly from [hms10], [hms32], [bri73] and [smi80].
David Prothero, 16 Jan 2000


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Title: The Nazi Party Rally at Nuremberg
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Thornton Sinclair
Language: English
Source title: Public Opinion
Source number (date): 2 (1938)
Source pages: 570-583


Unused entry: Please refer to author Hellmut Sichtermann.


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Title: Церковна сфрагістика Жовківського деканату Перемиської єпархії кінця XIX — поч. XX ст. | Cerkovna sfragịstika Ẑovkịvshkogo dekanatu Peremishkoị̈ ẹparqịị̈ kịncâ XIX — poĉ. XX st.
(in English: Church’s Seals of the Zhovkva Deanery (Peremyshl Diocese) on the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th C.)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ірина Скочиляс | Ịrina Skoĉilâs
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 21 (2000.05)
Source pages: 2-3 (?)


Title: Греко-Католицькі парафіяльні печатки міста Ярослава (друга пол. XVIII — поч. XX ст.) | Greko-Katolichkị parafịâlhnị peĉatki mịsta Âroslava (druga pol. XVIII — poĉ. XX st.)
(in English: Seal of the Greek-Catholic Parish of Yaroslav Town (2nd half of the 18th c. — beginning of the 20th c.))
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ірина Скочиляс | Ịrina Skoĉilâs
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 25 (2001.12)
Source pages: 5


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [snv97]


Title: Парафіяльна печатка церкви св. Миколая в Сокалі | Parafịâlhna peĉatka cerkvi sv. Mikolaâ v Sokalị
(in English: The Parish Seal of St.Michael Church in Sokal)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Ірина Скочиляс | Ịrina Skoĉilâs
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 14 (1997.12)
Source pages: 2
Remarks: Authorship under pseudonym Ірина Назар | Ịrina Nazar


Title: Матиця словацька і геральдика | Maticâ slovachka ị geralhdika
(in English: Matica Slovenska and Heraldry)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Шішміш М. | Ŝiŝmiŝ M.
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 8 (1994.11)
Source pages: 2


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Title: Slovensko v symbolike miest / Slovakia in Municipal Symbols / Slowakei in der Symbolik der Städte / La Slovaquie dans Symbolique des Villes
Medium: chart
Main author(s): Milan Šišmiš
Edition (publisher: place): Slovenská genealohicko-heraldická spločnost pri Matici slovenskej: (unknown location) (Slovakia)
Languages: Slovak, English, German (High) and French
Edition date: 1996


Title: Герби на мідних солідах XVII ст. | Gerbi na mịdniq solịdaq XVII st.
(in English: Arms at the Copper Coins of the 17th c.)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Іван Сінчук | Ịvan Sịnĉuk
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 18 (1999.03)
Source pages: 11

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