The Flag Consists of the traditional Green, Pink and White flag of Newfoundland
and the Town of Paradise Coat of Arms. The flag was instituted in May of 1989.
Adam Kilpatrick, 20 June 2002
he Town flag was designed by a former Councillor, the late Arch (also known as
Black Arch) Janes in 1986. Mr. Janes described the Town crest and what each section
- The animal at the top of the crest is a caribou, the Provincial and at one
time before confederation, our national animal.
- The crest is supported by two bulldogs representing this country which was
a protectorate of Great Britain for nearly four hundred years. The bulldogs are
symbolic of the British Royal Navy.
- The crest is divided into four sections by
a Cross. This represents the Christian belief on which our laws were founded.
- In the upper left corner of the crest there is a gear and in the upper right
corner there is an electric bolt. This represents industry in the Town.
- The lower left corner bears a tree. This is a symbol for the Town's name, Paradise,
which originated in Church Latin and means a park.
- -In the lower right corner is a sled loaded with wood. This represents our past
industry which was mainly wood products.
Adam Kilpatrick, 12 October 2006
Coat of Arms
by Blas Delgado