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Colombia - Education Institutes Flags (A) - Part V

Last modified: 2015-08-26 by zoltán horváth
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Aquileo Parra, Institución Educativa Distrital

image by Ivan Sache, 26 July 2014

"Institución Educativa Distrital 'Aquileo Parra'", located in Bogotá, is named after Aquileo Parra (1825-1900), President of Colombia from 1876 to 1878.
Ivan Sache, 15 January 2009

The flag of the institute is vertically divided yellow-white-yellow with the institute's emblem in the middle.
Source: - Photo
Ivan Sache, 26 July 2014

Área Andina, Fundación  Universitaria del

image by Ivan Sache, 3 February 2009

"Fundación  Universitaria del Área Andina" was founded in 1994 in Pereira, Department of Risaralda. It is made of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Administration, Marketing and Design, and Faculty of Law, Social and Human Sciences.
The website of the institute shows a photo of a table flag of the institute, horizontally divided green-white, with the emblem of the university "superimposed". The emblem clearly does not exist on this particular flag but was added subsequently to the image, therefore it is not possible to conclude about the existence of a flag with the emblem.
Ivan Sache, 3 February 2009

Ariguaní, Liceo

image by Ivan Sache, 25 September 2014

image by Ivan Sache, 25 September 2014
modified by Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg, 26 September 2014

Liceo Ariguaní is based in El Difícil, the capital of the municipality of Ariguaní (Magdalena Department).
The flag of the institute is described as horizontally divided golden yellow-white-purple. Golden yellow is a symbol of sincerity, liberty, purity, generosity, and piety.
White is a symbol of peace and love. Purple is a symbol of loyalty, land, justice, ingenuity, and knowledge.
Source: - institute's website
A photo seems to indicate that the flag in use is indeed horizontally divided white-purple-yellow.
Ivan Sache, 25 September 2014

Armero, Institución Educativa Tecnica Instituto

image by Ivan Sache, 29 September 2014

Institución Educativa Tecnica Instituto Armero was established in Armero (Tolima Department) by Departmental Resolution No. 1,215 of 3 October 2003, as the merger of Colegio Oficial Instituto Armero (est. 2 February 1945) and Institución Docente Dario Echandia.
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided white-green. White is a symbol of integrity, transparency, and justice. Green is a symbol of hope and faith.
Ivan Sache, 29 September 2014

Alvernia, Colegio

image by Ivan Sache, 6 November 2010

Colegio Alvernia was founded in 1942 in Suba (Bogotá Capital District) by the nuns of the Franciscan Congregation of the Inmaculate Mary. The congregation was founded in Coloimbia in 1893 by Blessed María Caridad Brader (1860-1943), a Swiss-born missionary.
The flag of Colegio Alvernia, as shown on the institute's website, is horizontally divided white-pink with the institute's coat of arms in the middle. "Its white and pink folds are like a silent poem committing the female youth to love kindness, good practice and moral purity, symbolized by whiteness."
The coat of arms was designed by Mother Alicia David Ramírez. The mountain shown in the background represents the mountain of La Verna (Spanish, Alvernia), offerred on 8 May 1213 by Count Orlando da Chiusi to St. Francis of Assisi; the saint retired there and recieved the stigmata a few years later. The Sanctuary of La Verna was built on the mountain in 1348-1459. The mountain further symbolizes love offerred by St. Francis of Assisi.
The flaming torch and cross shown in the upper left of the shield represents the "Christ's light" and the virtue provided by science. The table with five books, one of them being open, shown in the lower part of the shield, represents science supported by God's word. The base of the shield is charged with the institute's monogram, made of the interlaced letters "CA".
Ivan Sache, 6 November 2010

Aquileo Parra, Institución Educativa Departamental

image by Ivan Sache, 21 October 2014

Institución Educativa Departamental Aquileo Parra (IEDAP) was originally established in Pacho (Cundinamarca Department) by Municipal Agreement No. 52 of 11 December 1996, as Liceo Aquileo Parra. Classes started on 17 February 1997. The institute is named for Aquileo Parra, President of the United States of Colombia from 1876 to 1878, who died on 1 January 1900 in La Ferrería borough, part of the municipality of Pacho.
The flag of IEDAP is horizontally divided blue-light blue-green, crossed by an orange ascending diagonal stripe and charged in the middle with the institute's emblem. Blue is a symbol of force and loyalty. Light blue is a symbol of virtue and peace. Green is a symbol of hope and of the natural environment. Orange is a symbol of joy and dynamism.
The emblem of IEDAP is "polychromous, harmonic, and with environmental connotation". The circular emblem is a symbol of integration; the yellow circular border is a symbol of knowledge and wealth. The two red stars represent virtue and dynamic conscience. The sun is a source of energy and a symbol of transparency. The monogram is the synthesis of a watch tower and of a telecommunication tower. The atom is a symbol of science. The ball is a symbol of games and sports. The colours have the same meaning as on the flag. White is a symbol of virtue. Red is a symbol of love and energy.
Source: - Institute's website
The flag in actual use is charged with a simplified version of the institute's emblem, being a white disk featuring only the monogram of  IEDAP.
Ivan Sache, 21 October 2014

Artemio Mendoza Carvajal, Institución Educativa Municipal

image by Ivan Sache, 20 October 2014

Institución Educativa Municipal Artemio Mendoza Carvajal is located in Pasto (Nariño Department). The institute is named for Artemio Mendoza Carvajal (1935-1977), teacher at Instituto San Juan Bosco in Pasto and student's leader at Universidad Pedagógica de Tunja. He also founded Colegio Ciudad de Pasto and INEM de Pasto.
The flag of the institute is presented in the institute's Etiquette Guidebook as horizontally divided red-blue-red with a yellow triangle placed along the hoist, that is the flag of Pasto, "for the location of the institute in urban area". "When a contest is called", the institute's emblem is added to the yellow triangle.
The yellow triangle means light, power, constancy, knowledge, and nobleness. Vermilion red is a symbol of audacity, valiance, highness, strength, war, and triumph with blood shed.
Blue is a symbol of the sky, of justice, beauty, charity, loyalty, and care.
The emblem of the institute features a bright sun on a celestial background, a representation of volcano Galeras*. In the middle is placed the Monument to Knowledge ensigned with a cross, as a symbol of faith and religion. The lower part of the emblem features the flags of Pasto, Nariño Department, and Colombia, charged with the institute's monogram.
*Galeras (4,276 m) is the most active volcano in Colombia. Its last, non-explosive eruption was recorded on 31 August 2010.
Ivan Sache, 20 October 2014

Arturo Aurelio Martínez, Institución Educativa Municipal

image by Ivan Sache, 28 November 2014

Institución Educativa Municipal Arturo Aurelio Martínez was established in Pandiaco borough (Municipality of San Juan de Pasto, Nariño Department) by Decree No. 363 of 26 August 2003, as the merger of Colegio Departamental Aurelio Arturo Martínez and Concentración Escolar Juan XXIII. The institute is named for the lawyer and poet Arturo Aurelio Martínez (1906-1974), author of the anthology _Morada al Sur,_ (1963, 1975).
The flag of the institute is diagonally divided red-white-yellow according to the ascending diagonal. Red is a symbol of belonging to the institute, justice, highness and power. White is a symbol of knowledge, light and infinity. Yellow is a symbol of power, constancy and nobleness.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 28 November 2014

A.S.I.A. Ignaciana, Institución Educativa

image by Ivan Sache, 12 September 2014

The Institución Educativa A.S.I.A. Ignaciana is actually a school sponsored by the Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola. Having studied there (at Colegio San Ignacio) I have the centennial yearbook of 1985, where they comment on the establishment of the Institución Educativa A.S.I.A. Ignaciana.
First, there was the establishment of A.S.I.A. Ignaciana. A.S.I.A. stands for Antiqui Societatis Iesu Alumni (in Latin) which means Antígüos Alumnos de la Compañía de Jesús (Alumni of the Society of Jesus). Every Jesuit school and university around the world has its own ASIA, being called Jesuit Alumni and gathered in the WUJA (World Union of Jesuit Alumni). The WUJA was established on 31st July, 1956 (the day which is commemorated as the Day of St. Ignatius of Loyola), in Bilbao in 1956. So for example the Colegio San Juan Berchmans in Cali has its ASIA Berchmans, and so on, worldwide. In fact, the latest WUJA Congress, the VIII WUJA Congress held in 2013 from August 14 to August 17, was hosted by ASIA Ignaciana at the Colegio San Ignacio facilities.
So after the establishment of A.S.I.A. Ignaciana, there was the establishment of Fundación Loyola (Loyola Foundation) in August 4, 1964 by members of the Class of 1946 (from the Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola) but quickly invited other alumni to join them. It is a non-profit organization. They first settled where the current Institución Educativa A.S.I.A. Ignaciana is located, in a plain between the Municipalities of Bello and Medellín, called Playón de Los Comuneros. First the Fundación Loyola started a housing project there, but later as they saw the necessity for the community to have its own school, Fundación Loyola started first the "Escuela A.S.I.A. Ignaciana para niñas" (A.S.I.A. Ignaciana school for girls), then the Liceo Femenino A.S.I.A. Ignaciana (A.S.I.A. Ignaciana Women's Liseum) (granted recognition by the Ordenanza Departamental No. 30 of December 17, 1967 and given the status of Centro Educativo (Education Center) by Resolución No. 7481 of October 8, 1974 of the Secretaría de Educación Departamental (Antioquia's Department Secretariat of Education) on and then the Centro Asistencial John Jairo Piedrahíta (Medical Center John Jairo Piedrahita). Fundación Loyola purchased the land from the Archdiocese of Medellín and established the "Liceo Centenario Ignaciano" (official name, although most people know it simply as the Liceo Centenario) with its official motto of "NOS EDUCARON...EDUQUEMOS" (We were educated...let's educate).
My father, Luis Ramiro Rivera, having been a student in Colegio San Ignacio (graduated from Class of 1963) told me that all of his classmates and all other Alumni Classes before his' actually donated to the charity of Fundación Loyola to help build the "Liceo Centenario".
So the story is that the Liceo Centenario was transferred to the Secretaría de Educación (Education Secretariat) of the Municipality of Medellín (co-medel.html ) in 1971 and renamed IE Pbro Antonio José Bernal Londoño SJ (Institución Educativa Presbítero Antonio José Bernal Londoño, Sacerdote Jesuíta, Educational Institute Presbiterian Antonio Jose Bernal Londoño, Jesuit Priest in English) (in honor Presbiterian Antonio Bernal who helped established the ASIA Berchmans in Cali when he was the Principal of the San Juan Berchmans), which now operates under the Secretaría de Educación, which is one of the Secretarías of the Alcaldía de Medellín (the executive official government body of the city of Medellín, which depends on the Mayor of Medellín). Thus it is a public school
and as such is property of the city of Medellín. So in the land where the Liceo Centenario stood, Fundación Loyola with collaboration of the Secretaría de Educación de Medellín and the SENA established a new school called "IE Colegio Loyola para la Ciencia e Innovación" when it was transferred. It is important to notice that all public schools have the prefix "I.E." which stands for Institución Educativa (Educational Institution).
So today's "I.E. A.S.I.A. Ignaciana" was established with the help of the misioneras Siervas de San José (missionaries Servants of Saint Joseph) in 1971 and A.S.I.A. and its Alumni helped pay the building costs through donations gathered by Fundación Loyola. In the beginning the I.E. A.S.I.A. Ignaciana operated as an annex of the Colegio Gilberto Alzate Avendaño but in March 1974 the Lice (as it was known back then) became autonomous, being official on August 26 of that same year. And in September 1975 the new school campus was inaugurated.
The flag of I.E. A.S.I.A. Ignaciana can be seen here and here.
For additional information see: A.S.I.A. Ignaciana (official website)
Fundación Loyola (official website) 
I.E. (Institución Educativa)"A.S.I.A. Ignaciana" (official website) 
I.E. (Institución Educativa) "Pbro. Antonio José Bernal Londoño S.J." (official website)
Secretaría de Educación de Medellín (official website)
Ivan Sache, 28 September 2014 (based on contribution of Esteban Rivera)

image by Ivan Sache, 28 September 2014

Esteban found an image of the flag of IE Pebro Antonio José Bernal Londoño SJ (mentioned above). The flag is grey with a decentered blue-gray-red cross with the blue arm broader, and an emblem in the upper right quarter. This emblem appears to be not strictly equivalent to the institute's emblem.
Ivan Sache, 28 September 2014

Atabanzha, Institución Educativa Distrital Colegio

image by Ivan Sache, 22 July 2014

Institución Educativa Distrital Colegio Atabanzha is located in Usme (Bogotá).

The flag of the institute is diagonally divided green-white-blue per bend wavy.ón/ - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 22 July 2014

Ateneo Autónomo de Colombia, Colegio

image by Ivan Sache, 10 January 2009

"Colegio Ateneo Autónomo de Colombia" was founded on 10 November 1995 by "Sociedad para el Desarrollo de la Cultura, la Educación y el Trabajo" (SODECET), legally registered the same day in Neiva, Department of Huila. Classes started on 28 February 1996. Recognized by the Department of Huila on 13 June 2001 (Decree No. 563), the institute has sections in the municipalities of Acevedo, Algeciras, Campoalegre, Garzón, Guadalupe, Palermo, Pitalito, San José de Isnos, Suaza and Timaná.
The flag of the institute, as shown graphically and described on the website of the institute, is horizontally divided yellow-green with a red stripe placed vertically along the hoist. Red means strength, valor and courage required to fulfill the life's project and contribute to the regional and national development. Yellow represents loyalty in the personal relationships and social commitment, as well as the joyous atmosphere of fraternity found in the institution's activities. Green represents growth and aspiration to promote values and balanced development.
Ivan Sache, 10 January 2009

Ateneo, Institución Educativa

image by Ivan Sache, 15 September 2014

Institución Educativa Ateneo, located in Pradera (Valle Department), is managed by the Little Sisters of the Annunciation, a congregation founded in 1943 by Mother María Berenice (María Ana Julia Duque Henkler; 1898-1993).
The flag of the institute, designed by Hernan Barona Sossa, is horizontally divided blue-white-red. Blue is a symbol of harmony, peace, and balance. White is a perfect symbol of purity, pleasure, joy, light, and truth. Blue and white are the Marian colours. Red is a symbol of personal growth of the students in the holistic education provided by the institute.
Source: - Institute's blog
Ivan Sache, 15 September 2014

Atlántico, Universidad del

image by Ivan Sache, 14 August 2002

Located in Barranquilla, Atlantico Department. The flag shown on the website is a blue triangular flag with an orange Scandinavian cross separated from the blue background by a thin white fimbriation. Exact proportions cannot be infered from the original source. I have used overall 1:2 proportion by default.
Source: <>.
Ivan Sache, 14 August 2002

Institucion Educativa Departamental "Liceo Ariguaní"

image by Ivan Sache, Ivan Sache, 15 July 2013

Institucion Educativa Departamental "Liceo Ariguaní" was approved in November 1982 by Resolution No. 22,683.
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided yellow-white-purple with the institute's emblem in the middle. Yellow is a symbol of sincerity, liberty, purity, generosity and piety. White is a symbol of peace and love. Purple is a symbol of loyalty, earth, justice, knowledge and wisdom; purple is also the traditional colour of strength, courage and dedication.
The emblem of the institute is made of the following elements:
- a sketchy green map of Colombia, representing all the aspects of the homeland; green is a symbol of hope, youth, force, conscience, intrepidity, abundance, friendship, production, productivity and progress
- a broken chain in the national colours, surrounding the map, representing oppression and vexation caused by ignorance and misery, suppressed by the pressure of study, science, education and knowledge;
- a flaming torch, symbolizing light and safe guidance and progress in science, arts, religion, reason, economy and all other human activities, accomplished through study, application, discipline, education and wisdom.
- an open book, symbolizing the most universal source of knowledge, wisdom and equality. (flag) (emblem)
Ivan Sache, 15 July 2013