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Colombia - Education Institutes Flags (E) - Part II

Last modified: 2015-08-26 by zoltán horváth
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Emaús, Colegio Parroquial

image by Ivan Sache, 29 October 2014

Colegio Parroquial Emaús was established in Medellín (Antioquia Department) on 17 April 1995 by the priest of the parish of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Jorge Alberto Galeano Buitrago (d. 2001), with the administrative support of Iván Salazar Duque (d. 2009). Colegio Parroquial Emaús took over in 2004 the school established in 2000 by the priest of the parish of La Pasión (Nuevo Horizonte borough), Luís Emilio Flórez Buitrago.
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided white-blue with the institute's coat of arms in the middle. White means the search for social interaction based on values. Blue is an elegant, serious, joyous, safe, and tranquil colour. It is a symbol of intelligence, knowledge, and deep truth. This colour represents the great munificence of the Creation and is a Marian allegory.
Source: - Institute's website
The coat of arms of the institute features:
- a shield vertically divided white and blue. These Marian colours recall the strong connection between the institute and the parish. The style of the shield is borrowed form the arms of the Medellín Archdiocese.
- a heart, alluding to Luke 24:32: "They asked each other, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?' "
- a crown of thorns surrounding the heart, as a vivid reference of the love of Jesus for mankind, supplying sacrifice and generosity, the values that children and teenagers shall practice. The crown also represents the difficult situation of the youth and the death of several of them during periods of violence. Preserving values requires part of sacrifice in a society like ours.
- sun rays forming the heart's background, as a symbol of youth that spreads to the society the fundamental values required to be and to live. They recall the evidence that children and teenagers should provide to the society as a testimony of the resurrection.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 29 October 2014

Emiliani, Colegio

image by Ivan Sache, 08 November 2014

Colegio Emiliani is located in the Santa Ana borough, part of the municipality of Tunja (Boyacá Department). The institute is name for St. Gerolamo Emiliani (1481-1537; canonized in 1767 by Pope Clement XIII and named in 1928 patron of orphans and abandoned children by Pope Pius XI), founder in 1532 of the congregation of the Regular Clerics (Somaschi).
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided blue-red-green. Blue is a symbol of Marian spirituality. Red is a symbol of love, as represented by Jesus Christ shedding the last drop of his blood on the cross. Green is a symbol of hope in the youth.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 08 November 2014

"Enriqe Low Murtra", Escuela Penitenciaria Nacional

The EPN (Escuela Penitenciaria Nacional "Enriqe Low Murtra", "Enrique Low Murtra" National Prison School ), is Colombia's formation institution for all the personnel in charge of custody in penitenciaries around the country, mainly employed by the INPEC. It was established by Decree No. 1817 of July 17, 1964.

Its flag is a green horizontal flag, crossed from top left to bottom right with the colors of INPEC, white/red/green/, as seen here. (first flag on the top left). The flag can also be seen here on their offical website.
The flag was commissioned through Circular No. 31, of August 1984, by contest, issued by the (then) Dirección General de Prisiones (today known as INPEC), headed back then by Bernardo Echeverri Ossa. The official measures of the flag are: 3m long, 2m wide.

The Coat of Arms is seen here.
Source: ).
Additional information on the Coat of Arms can be found here.
For additional information go to: EPN (official website)
Esteban Rivera, 27 July 2012

Enrique Olaya Herrera, Institución Educativa Técnica

image by Ivan Sache, 18 November 2014

Institución Educativa Técnica Enrique Olaya Herrera was originally established, as a boy's school, in 1946 in Guateque (Boyacá Department) by Carlos Garzón and Luis F. Acevedo. Transformed into a Colegio Nacional by Resolution No. 21,401 of 16 June 1952, the institute was renamed Colegio Nacional Enrique Olaya Herrera by Resolution No. 5,313 of 27 October 1970, as a tribute to Guateque-born Enrique Olaya Herrera (1880-1937), President of the Republic from 1930 to 1934.
Institución Educativa Enrique Olaya Herrera was established by Resolution No. 1,732 of 19 July 2002 as the merger of Colegio Nacional Enrique Olaya Herrera, Colegio Básico Hortensia Perilla and Concentración Urbana Mixta. Resolution No. 110 of 4 February 2010 renamed it Institución Educativa Técnica Enrique Olaya Herrera, with a specialization in electronics. The institute took over Institución Educativa Rural Julia Flores by Resolution No. 6,850 of 15 December 2011.
The flag of the institute is divided white-green according to the descending diagonal.
Source:!nosotros/csgz - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 18 November 2014

Entrerríos, Institución Educativa

"Institución Educativa Entrerríos" is located at Entrerríos, Department of Antioquia.
The flag of the institute is shown graphically and described on the website of the institute.
The description says that the flag is made of three equal horizontal stripes green, white, and blue, while the drawing shows a flag horizontally divided blue-white-green.
Green represents the municipality of Entrerríos and its harmonious landscapes.
White represents peace and harmony.
Blue represents the institute, as on the emblem, where the blue quarter is charged with the name and educative motto of the institute, "Más que enseñar es formar" (Educating is better than teaching).
Ivan Sache, 5 February 2009

Envigado, Colegio Teresiano de

image by Ivan Sache, 28 June 2014

Previously reported flag:

image by Ivan Sache, 7 November 2010

I recently wrote that the Colombian Theresian educational institutes could share a common flag, horizontally divided white-blue. My assumption, based on two samples, was erroneous.
Colegio Teresiano de Envigado is one of the seven Colombian institutes chaired by the Community of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. It was founded in 1969 in Envigado (Department of Antioquia) by Sister Maria del Pilar Suárez, the then Superior of the Community in Colombia, as Colegio Teresiano Monteblanco. In 1999, the institute was renamed Colegio Teresiano de Envigado.
The flag of Colegio Teresiano de Envigado is presented on the institute's website as horizontally divided light blue-white-coffee brown, with respective proportions 2:1:1 - undoubtedly recalling the Colombian national flag. The three stripes, placed "from the Earth to Heavens", symbolize the Theresian spirit. Coffee brown represents integral education and the woman's representation in the Theresian values. Light blue represents transcendency. The three colors together represent prayer as a personal relation with God and the synthesis of the Theresian humanism.
Ivan Sache, 7 November 2010

The flag of the institute is presented now on the institute's website with equal stripes.
Ivan Sache
, 28 June 2014

Envigado, Institución Universitaria de

image by Ivan Sache, 14 Febuary 2004

"Institución Universitaria de Envigado" (IUE) was founded in 1992 in Envigado.   The flag of IUE is horizontally divided orange-white-green with the emblem of the IUE in the middle. The flag uses the colours of the municipality of Envigado, green and orange, together with white, representing the social responsability included into our institutional mission. The emblem of IUE is made of an "abstraction" of the letters "IUE" and two elements, the Earth representing projection all over the world, and an atomic nucleus [indeed a nucleus surrounded by electrons] representing technology, science and vision of the future.
Source: <>, located by Dov Gutterman.
Ivan Sache, 14 Febuary 2004 and 18 December 2008

Espíritu Santo, Colegio

Colegio Espíritu Santo (CES) was established in 1965 in El Buque borough, part of the municipality of Villavicencio (Meta Department) by Angela Valencia de Marín, and acquired in 1979 by Elías Pardo García and Paula Rodríguez de Pardo.
The flag of CES is orange with a green border all around and the institute's emblem in the middle.
The emblem of CES, designed by Francisco Bernal, is an orange disk charged with a white dove flying downwards, beneath it five white rays forming a half sun. The disk is bordered with a green ring inscribed "COLEGIO BILINGÜE ESPÍRITU SANTO (top) / VILLAVICENCIO (bottom) in black letters. The emblem used on the flag is inscribed with "COLEGIO ESPIRITU SANTO".
Ivan Sache, 08 October 2014

Esperanza, Colegio de la

image by Ivan Sache, 1 February 2009

"Colegio de la Esperanza" was founded on 2 January 1870 by Abel Mariano De Irisarri and Joaquín F. Vélez in Cartagena de Indias, Department of Bolívar. Since then, the institute has been ran by the De Irisarri family.
The flag of the institute, as shown graphically and described on the website of the institute, is horizontally divided white-green. White represents purity, harmony and peace. The whole flag represents the aspiration to be a pioneer educational institute.
Ivan Sache, 1 February 2009

Espinal, Fundación Universitaria del

image by Ivan Sache, 29 October 2014

Fundación Universitaria del Espinal (FUNDES) was established in El Espinal (Tolima Department) by Decree 147A of the Diocese Chancellory, signed on 20 March 1997 by His Grace Abraham Escudero Montoya (1940-2009), Bishop of El Espinal (1990-2007) and of Palmira (2007-2009). FUNDES was officially recognized by Resolution No. 1,495 of 23 July 2001.
The flag of FUNDES is horizontally divided white-yellow-green. White is a symbol of transparency and beauty, and the evocation of a peaceful culture. Yellow is a symbol of spiritual resources. White and yellow together mean belonging to the Church. Green is a symbol of hope and is the colour of rice fields.
Source: - FUNDES website
Ivan Sache, 29 October 2014

Estanislao Zuleta, Institución Educativa Distrital

image by Ivan Sache, 16 January 2009

"Institución Educativa Distrital 'Estanislao Zuleta'" was inaugurated in February 1990 as "Escuela Distrital Rural 'La Reforma'". The institute is named after the noted Professor of Philosophy and writer Estanislao Zuleta (1935-1990).
The flag of the institute, according to a photo and the description available on the website of the institute, is horizontally divided blue-white-blue. The three stripes represent the universe, peace and the Colombian seas, respectively.
Ivan Sache, 16 January 2009

Estudios Superiores de Administración, Colegio de (CESA)

image by Zoltan Horvath, 24 November 2014

image by Zoltan Horvath, 24 November 2014

CESA (Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración, School of Management Higher Studies) was established on February 24, 1975 by initiative from the ANDI and the INCOLDA (Instituto Colombiano de Administración) and it is a private University.
Sources: and
The flag is a white horizontal flag displaying the logo which are the initials, plus the name below in blue font.
This image is screenshot taken from this video at 0:35, a news report by CM& tv news.
For additional information go to: CESA (official website) 
Esteban Rivera, 22 November 2014

The logo is detailed in the Visual Identity Guidebook. Oddly enough, the logo used on the flag does not comply with the guidelines, which do not prescribe the lighter blue / gray border added on the left and bottom of the symbol. This border might be a misinterpretation of the construction sheet given in the guidebook.
The logo shall be made of a square symbol, of 7 units x 7 units. The distance between the square's border and the writing of the institute's name shall be 1 unit. The square shall be inscribed in the upper right corner with the institute's acronym, on two lines ("ce" / "sa"). The font is prescribed as Helvetica Neue LT Std Bold. The institute's full name shall be placed on the left of the symbol, on two lines ("Colegio de Estudios" / "Superiores de Administración"), the lower line matching the lower border of the symbol. The font is prescribed as Trade Gothic Bold. This is the logo "for secondary use", while the logo "for [primary] horizontal use" has the writing placed beneath the symbol.
The "institutional blue" colour is prescribed as:
Pantone 287 C
CMYK (%) 100-80-0-20
RGB 0-58-28
Additional photos:,-Reglamentos-y-Acuerdos-Rectorales,-Prog.aspx
The flag appears to be sometimes used with the prescribed symbol (without the gray border).
Ivan Sache, 24 November 2014

I created new flag images. However RGB colours given in that pdf seems to be wrong, because it's a shade of dark green, but not blue. I think the proper colour is about RGB 0-58-128, or something similar.
Zoltan Horvath, 24 November 2014

There is often deviation between what is prescribed and what is actually used - not to mention that colour specifications are usually given for printed material. Accordingly, you are absolutely right to trust the colour as you perceive it rather than as it is prescribed.
Ivan Sache, 25 November 2014

Exalumnas de la Presentación, Institución Educativa

image by Ivan Sache, 16 September 2014

Escuela Exalumnas de la Presentación was established in 1963 in the Jordán borough, part of the municipality of Ibagué (Tolima Department), by former students of Colegio de la Presentación del Centro de Ibagué, led by Sister Elisa Londoño - Provincial Superior of the Community of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation - and Sister Mabel Jaramillo, in charge of the management of the former students. The congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation was founded in 1695 by Marie Poussepin (1653-1744; beatified on 20 November 1994 by Pope John Paul II). Colegio Exalumnas de la Presentación was established in October 1981. Institución Educativa Exalumnas was eventually established by Departmental Resolution no. 751 of 26 July 2002, as the merger of Concentración Escolar Exalumnas de la Presentación and Colegio Exalumnas de la Presentación.
Source: - Institute's website
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided king blue-white-king blue. Blue is a symbol of harmony and simplicity. White is a symbol of purity, truth, and transparency.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 16 September 2014

It may be that the uniqueness is in the Royal Blue shade, but otherwise I'm tempted to say that I've seen this one before. I don't even think it's a unique case. I wonder if there's no intention to be unique or whether there's merely a lack of information on other flags.
Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg, 16 September 2014

Since this is a school sponsored by alumni from the school La Presentación, my question is regarding La Presentación: the flag reported for La Presentación is from a school located in Duitama. Well, there's another school called La Presentación in Medellín, so I wonder if these two, plus the alumni sponsored school, have the same flag pattern?
Esteban Rivera, 17 September 2014

Since the size of the available sample of flags form Colombian institutes is growing and growing, it is indeed relevant to look at flag patterns and similarities. There appears to be "some" patterns related to the congregations that managed some schools. Unfortunately, there is, usually, little available knowledge on the  exact relations between these schools, therefore we can only infer some groupings, as Esteban did.
Moreover, the big size of the sample and the relatively limited  pattern variation - several flags are horizontally divided into two or three stripes - automatically results in the use of similar flag by not necessarily related institutes. This appears to be the same as for some departmental and municipal flags.
Another puzzling issue is the use of the institute's emblem on the flag. It is sometimes prescribed but not shown on flags in actual use, or not prescribed but actually added to the flags in use. When photos are available, it i not infrequent to have flags significantly different from what is prescribed / described / illustrated on websites.
Ivan Sache, 17 September 2014

Externado Patria, Institución Educativa

image by Ivan Sache, 09 September 2014

Institución Educativa Externado Patria is located in Medellín (Antioquia Department).
The flag of the institute is in dimensions 0.70 m x 1. 40 m, with a staff of 1.10 m in length. The flag is made of three parts, an upper blue stripe and two, lower,  red and yellow stripes. The colours are those of the national flag.
Source: - Institute's blog
Ivan Sache, 09 September 2014