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Club Nautique de Nice (Yacht Club, France): Members' private signals (1907)

Part 6: Regular members, F-I

Last modified: 2012-04-28 by ivan sache
Keywords: nice | private signal | star (red) | star (yellow) | cross (blue) | car: racing (black) | cross: maltese (white) | saltire (white) | letter: v (white) |
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CNN regular membership

According to Article 24 of the club's statutes, the admission into CNN of a regular member (aged at least 21) required introduction by two regular members and validation by two-third of the members of the Administrative Commission, in a vote by secret ballot.
According to Article 28, the admission fee was 20 francs; the yearly subscription was 10 francs, to which was added a 20 franc contribution to race organization. Active officers of the Army and the Navy did not pay the admission fee.
According to Article 5, regular members leaving the country for at least one year could ask for a leave, during which they would not pay any subscription; when back to France, their regular membership would be fully restored.

According to Article 7, a section of the CNN could be founded in a place where at leat five regular members stay. This happened in Saint- Raphaël (6 members).

According to Article 29, members were considered as non-resident when they lived in the Department of Alpes-Maritimes for less than six months (at the time, during the winter season).

The CNN 1907 Yearbook shows the private signal of the regular members detailed in the next sections.

Ivan Sache, 20 May 2010

F. Fabret

[Fabret's flag]

Fabret's private signal - Image by Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

F. Fabret was a dentist from Nice, pioneer in dental care and prophylaxy. He advocated the creation of a Mutuelle dentaire scolaire to favour the early detection of dental problems in children and in the poor (conference De l'hygiène dentaire scolaire, Dentistry Congress, Marseilles, published in Le Monde Dentaire, 1911 (2), 103-106).
Fabret also developed different techniques aimed at reducing pains in patients. During the 44th congress of the Association française pour l'avancement des sciences, held in 1920 at Strasbourg, he presented the gazotherme" a non-chemical means of anesthesy (L'anesthésie sans le médicament par le gazotherme, pp. 689-694 in the congress' proceedings, 1921). The principle of the gazotherme was to use refrigerated, pressurized oxygen ("frigorific jet") to freeze the tissue to be cured by the dentist. Temperature ranged from 0 °C to - 25 °C. The gazotherme was the subject of the medicine thesis defended in 1924 by Paul Schmid in Zurich, Über die Einwirkung der Kälte auf die lebende Pulpa, speziell bei Anwendung tiefer Temperaturen zur Bekämpfung des hypersensiblem Dentins (Gazotherme Fabret), published in Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnheilkunde, 34 (2), 41 pages and 3 plates. During the 48th congress of the same association, held in 1924 at Liège, Fabret presented to his colleagues an improved avulseur, which allowed him to practice five complex root extractions (Démonstration pratique de l'avulseur, pp. 852-854 in the conference proceedings).

Admitted into the CNN in 1901, F. Fabret was a member of the club's Administrative Committee and the Secretary of the Interior Committee in 1906. His private signal is a triangular white flag with a blue border and a red star in the middle.

Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

Comte Gontran de Faverney

Gontran de Faverney, admitted into the CNN in 1896, was part of the group of alpinists caught on 21 August 1891 by an ice avalanche in the Dôme du Goûter, Mont-Blanc massif. Two members of the group died bu the other ones, including the count, were saved.
Faverney's private signal is blue with a shield "Sable three Moor's heads sable" surmonted by a yellow crown.

Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

Sir Maurice FitzGerald

[FitzGerald's flag]

FitzGerald's private signal - Image by Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

Sir Maurice Fitgerald (1844-1916), 20th Knight of Kerry and 2nd Baronet of Valencia, held different offices of justice in Carlow, Kerry, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. He purchased in 1908 Buckland Park, where his family lived until 1947.

Admitted into the CNN in 1898, FitzGerald is listed as the owner of the yawl Satanita (300 tons) and of the cutter Zelva (ex Volage, 7 tons). Satanita competed in the King's Edward Cup, a race ran in August at Cowes, Isle of Wight, by yachts owned by the celebrities of the time - including Kaiser Wilhelm. On 8 August 1905, Satanita was the first to finish but Earl of Dunraven's Cariad won the trophy on time allowance. On 7 August 1906, Satanita defeated Cariad (on time allowance), Kaiser Wilhelm's Meteor and Cetonia (retired from the contest). On 1 August 1911, Meteor and Nevada (owned and steered by the King of Spain) were defeated by FitzGerald's new ketch Julna.
FitzGerald's private signal is red with a yellow star.

Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

Garaccio Brothers

[Garaccio's flag]

Garaccio's private signal - Image by Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

The Garaccio Brothers, sail makers and ship chandlers, contributed to the development of winter touring in Nice; official agents for the Union des Yachts Fran&ccedi;ais, the Cercle de la Voile de Paris, the Scawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, the Reggio Yacht Club Italian, the Royal Yacht Squadron and the Royal Thames Yacht Club, they chartered luxurious yachts for cruises to Genoa, Monaco and Cannes.
On 13 June 1899, Garaccio's steam tugboat Commerce II, or, more precisely, the ship's pump, allowed to stop the blaze that had broken out in the docks of the port of Nice. On 16 April 1900, the municipality of Nice decided to purchase a steam pump for the municipal fire brigade.

Joseph Garaccio was admitted into the CNN in 1896, followed by Albert and Laurent in 1903. The Garaccio brothers are listed as the owners of the steam yacht Toro (40 tons) and of the sloop Va-Partout (ex Vioune, 2 tons). Their private signal is red with a white "V". This flag might also have been the house flag of their shipping company.

Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

Charles Gibert

[Gibert's flag]

Gibert's private signal - Image by Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

Charles Gibert, admitted into the CNN in 1895 and a member of the club's Administrative Committee in 1906, living on his private income in Paris (Boulevard Haussman) and Nice (Promenade des Anglais), is listed as the owner of the lugger Raton (1 ton) and of the oil-powered launchs Mistral (10 m, 20 hp) and Bouzinette (6.50 m, 8 hp). His private signal is red with a white saltire and a blue cross over it.

Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

Albert Glandaz

[Glandaz' flag]

Glandaz' private signal - Image by Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

Albert Glandaz (1870-1943) succeeded his father as the Chief Clerk and Printer of the Tribunal of Commerce of the Department of Seine (Paris). He spent his significant wealth in promoting sports, especially yachting and rowing, and touring.
Aged 18, he served as the Vice President of the Cercle de la Voile de Nogent-Joinville. In the beginning of the 20th century, Glandaz launched some 50 new hips on the Seine, including a catamaran (1900). In 1904, he founded the Canoë Club de France (CCF; today Canoë-Kayak Club de France, CKCF) and introduced Canadian canoes into France, allowing river (upstream) canoeing. President of the French Rowing Federation (1905-1924), Glandaz created in 1907 the Albert Glandaz Cup for "beginners", that is rowers having not competed yet in the national championship; the Glandaz Cup is still raced and highly disputed. During the First World War, Glandaz recreated the review L'Aviron (rowing) and sent it freely to all the members of the federation fighting on the frontline.
In 1924, Glandaz was in charge of the organization of the watersports competitions in the Paris Olympics, ran at Les Mureaux (rowing) and Le Havre (sailing). In 1928, he patroned the new Club Nautique Meulanais (today, AMMH, Aviron Meulan Les Mureaux Hardricourt) as its Honorary President, as he had already done before for another 50 clubs.

President of the prestigious Cercle de la Voile de Paris (CVP), Glandaz understood that sailing and rowing should not be reserved to the upper classes, promoting the design of monotype series.
Glandaz presided the Comité National des Sports (CNS, founded in 1908 and merged in 1972 with the Comité Olympique Français to form the Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français) in 1910-1911 and 1912-1913, was a founding member of the Union des Sociétés Nautiques de France (the forerunner of the French Sailing Federation). He seated at the IOC, as member No. 83, from 1913 to his death.
Glandaz presided the Nautic Committee of the Touring Club de France and was Editor-in-Chief of the Revue du Tourisme Nautique. He contributed several textbooks for yachtmen, such as Guide du yachtsman en croisière. Les croisières en Italie (1904) and Guide des voies fluviales de Dinan à Nantes (coauthored with Juline Boistel, 1907).
Like several other yachtmen of his time, Glandaz supported ocenographic research. He was among the sponsors of Charcot's expedition in Antarctica and offered his yacht Andrée for oceanographic campaigns led in 1906, 1907 and 1908 by the Faculty of Sciences of Paris.

Admitted into the CNN in 1903, Albert Glandaz, then Vice President of the Yacht Club de France, is listed as the owner of the of the aforementioned steam yacht Andrée (121 tons), of the steam yacht Mabelle (11 tons), of the motorboat Elsie, (6. 50 m, 5 hp) and of the cutter Concordia (2 tons). Glandaz' private signal is chequered 4 x 4, blue and white, except the third rectangle of the first row, which is red.

Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010; corrections and additions kindly offerred by Louis Pillon, 6 June 2011

Georges Grus

[Grus' flag]

Grus' private signal - Image by Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

Georges Grus, admitted into the CNN in 1906, owned from July 1907 to 1909 the cutter Magda, designed, as the Yum in 1898 by the Scottish ship designer William Fife; on 17 July 1935, Jean Lebec, the new owner of the boat, renamed it Pen Duick (in Breton, "small black head", the black-capped chickadee, Poecile atricapillus L.); in 1938, he sold the ship to Guy Tabarly, who offerred her in 1952 to his son Éric. The first of Tabarly's famous series of six Pen Duick, several times restored and increased, the first Pen Duick celebrated in May 1988 her 100th birthday in Bénodet. In June 1998, Tabarly skipped the ship to Scotland for a meeting of Fife's ships; during the night of 12-13 June, he fell down to the sea and drowned. The first Pen Duick, owned today by Marie Tabarly, is moored in the Éric Tabarly Sailing Center of Lorient.
Grus' private signal is red with a white border and a black racing car (of the time) in the middle.

Ivan Sache, 24 May 2010

Captain Pryce Bowman Hamilton

Pryce Bowman Hamilton (b. 1844), admitted into the CNN in 1895, served as a Lieutnant in the 13th Hussars. He was President of the Ross Rowing Club and member of the Coaching Club and of the Royal Yacht Squadron. In March 1892, the Prince of Wales and his family were the hosts of Hamilton in the Riviera, as reported by the Times, 29 March 1892: "Several delightful trips have also been made by sea as far as Bordighera, San Remo, and Nice, in Mr. Pryce Hamilton's steam yacht, Saurian, which has been placed at their disposal." In 1894, the Times listed him as the owner of the Balaena (32 tons) and of the Roxana (106 tons). His son, Captain Cecil Fife Pryce Hamilton, 1st Batallion Scots Guards, died on 26 October 1914 at Ypres, Belgium, from wounds received in action that day.
Hamilton's signal is white with a yellow crown surmonted by a tree.

Ivan Sache, 25 May 2010

Alexandre Hauff

[Hauff's flag]

Hauff's private signal - Image by Ivan Sache, 25 May 2010

Alexander Hauff, admitted into the CNN in 1893, was a Russian citizen living - or wintering - in Marseilles. He is listed as the owner of the monotype of the Société Nautique de Marseille (SNM) Fontana (1 ton). His private signal is a white triangular flag with two blue descending diagonal stripes.

Ivan Sache, 25 May 2010

John Arthur Hinckley

John Arthur Hinckley, a capitalist from New York, and a member of the New York Yacht Club, lived on his steam yacht Calanthe (429 tons), built in 1888 by the Scottish ship designer Alexander Stephen. The Calanthe competed in 1905 in the Kiel regatta. When Hinckley died in 1911, he left an estate of $2,000,000, prescribing his son, aged 3, "should receive only $3,000 a year until he was twenty-one." Two years later, the Supreme Court of New York raised the income to $15,000 a year. In 1919, the poor boy was "driven from Paris by the high cost of living in France" and returned, homeless, to the USA, where a court granted an order permitting the payment of $100,000 from the estate for a home.
Hinckley's private signal is white with a red border and a blue lozenge charged with a red flower.

Ivan Sache, 25 May 2010

Edward Hore

[Hore's flag]

Hore's private signal - Image by Ivan Sache, 25 May 2010

Edward Hore, from London, won the bronze medal in the 1900 Olympics, held at Paris (10-20 ton, on Laurea).
Admitted into the CNN in 1898, Hore is listed as the owner of the steam-powered three-master Aries (368 tons). His private signal is blue with a white Maltese cross.

Ivan Sache, 25 May 2010

William Howard

[Howard's flag]

Howard's private signal - Image by Ivan Sache, 25 May 2010

William Howard, member of the Boodle's Club of St. James, London, was admitted into the CNN in 1897. His private signal is vertically divided yellow-black.

Ivan Sache, 25 May 2010

François Imbert

[Imbert's flag]

Imbert's private signal - Image by Ivan Sache, 25 May 2010

François Imbert, estate owner at Nice, admitted into the CNN in 1898, is listed as the owner of the houari Attendu Que (1.5 ton). His private signal is black with a black-white-red-white roundel.

Ivan Sache, 25 May 2010