Last modified: 2014-05-29 by zoltán horváth
Keywords: olympic games | mexico | greece | tokyo | mexico (city) | munich |
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image by Juan Manuel Gabino Villascán, 01 October 2004
See also:
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by Juan Manuel Gabino Villascán, July 2005.
Flag adopted: 1914.
During the Openings Ceremony all the teams paraded into the
stadium behind their flags, and during the Closing Ceremony the flags
did so once more. The flags and teams paraded in alphabetical order
according to the language of the host country, except for Greece as
the origin of the Olympic Games which always leads the parade, and
Mexicoas the host country which closed the parade. The flags
themselves all have the same size, and all have the ratio 2:3 or 3:5.
The millions watching the Opening Ceremony saw the flags and athletes
enter the stadium in this order:
Sources: Codes: Comité Olímpico Mexicano. Text: Juan Manuel Gabino Villascán Opening Ceremony: October 12, 1968. Note: The names were given all in Spanish language, horizontally writen in block black letters, when the case, the country name in local language and script appeared in small black letters beneath. Codes and flags are the official ones at the time. Country Spanish English CODE FLAG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Grecia Greece GRE
- Afganistán Afghanistan AFG
- África Central Central African Republic AFC
- Alemania Democrática Democratic Republic of Germany ADE
- Alemania Federal Federal Republic of Germany ALE
- Antillas Holandesas Netherlands Antilles AHO
- Argelia Algeria AGL
- Argentina Argentina ARG
- Australia Australia AUS
- Austria Austria AUT
- Bahamas Bahamas BAH
- Barbados Barbados BAR
- Bélgica Belgium BEL
- Bermudas Bermuda BER
- Birmania Burma BIR
- Bolivia Bolivia BOL
- Brasil Brazil BRA
- Bulgaria Bulgaria BUL
- Camerún Cameroon CMR
- Canadáa Canada CAN
- Celán Ceylan CEI
- Colombia Colombia COL
- Congo-Kinshasa Dem. Rep. of the Congo (Congo-Kinsasha) COK
- Corea Korea COR
- Costa de Marfil Ivory Coast CML
- Costa Rica Costa Rica CRC
- Cuba Cuba CUB
- Chad Chad CHA
- Checoslovaquia Tzechoslovakia CHE
- Chile Chile CHI
- Dinamarca Denmark DIN
- Ecuador Ecuador ECU
- El Salvador El Salvador ESA
- España Spain ESP
- Estados Unidos de Norteamérica United States of America EUA
- Etiopía Ethiopia ETI
- Fiji Fiji FIJ
- Filipinas Philippines FIL
- Finlandia Finland FIN
- Francia France FRA
- Gabón Gabon GAB
- Ghana Ghana GHA
- Gran Bretaña Great Britain GBR
- Guatemala Guatemala GUA
- Guinea Guinea GUI
- Guyana Guyana GUY
- Haití Haiti HAI
- Holanda Netherlands HOL
- Honduras Honduras HON
- Honduras Británicas British Honduras HBR
- Hong Kong Hong Kong HOK
- Hungría Hungary HUN
- India India IND
- Indonesia Indonesia INA
- Irak Iraq IRK
- Irán Iran IRN
- Irlanda Ireland IRL
- Islandia Iceland ISL
- Islas Vírgenes Virgin Islands ISV
- Israel Israel ISR
- Italia Italy ITA
- Jamaica Jamaica JAM
- Japón Japan JPN
- Kenia Kenya KEN
- Kuwait Kuwait KUW
- Líbano Lebanon LIB
- Libia Libya LBA
- Liechtenstein Liechtenstein LIE
- Luxemburgo Luxembourg LUX
- Madagascar Madagascar MAD
- Malasia Malaysia MAL
- Malí Mali MLI
- Malta Malta MLT
- Marruecos Morocco MAR
- Mónaco Monaco MON
- Mongolia Mongolia MGL
- Nicaragua Nicaragua NIC
- Níger Niger NIG
- Nigeria Nigeria NGR
- Noruega Norway NOR
- Nueva Zelandia New Zealand NZL
- Pakistán Pakistan PAK
- Panamá Panama PAN
- Paraguay Paraguay PAR
- Perú Peru PER
- Polonia Poland POL
- Portugal Portugal POR
- Puerto Rico Puerto Rico PRO
- República Árabe Unida United Arab Republic RAU
- República Dominicana Dominican Republic DOM
- Rumania Romania RUM
- San Marino San Marino SMR
- Senegal Senegal SEN
- Sierra Leona Sierra Leone SLA
- Singapur Singapore SIN
- Siria Syria SIR
- Sudán Sudan SUD
- Suecia Sweden SUE
- Suiza Switzerland SUI
- Surinam Suriname SUR
- Tailandia Thailand TAI
- Taiwán Republic of China (Taiwan) TWN
- Tanzania Tanzania TAN
- Trinidad y Tobago Trinidad and Tobago TRT
- Túnez Tunisia TUN
- Turquía Turkey TUR
- Uganda Uganda UGA
- U. R. S. S. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics URS
- Uruguay Uruguay URG
- Venezuela Venezuela VEN
- Vietnam Vietnam VNM
- Yugoslavia Yugoslavia YUG
- Zambia Zambia ZAM
- México Mexico MEX