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Law of the flag and coat-of-arms of Khabarovsk Territory (Russia)

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Khabarovsk flag
image by António Martins, Jul 1999

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Flag law

Khabarovsk Territorial Council
28 July 1994 N. 66
Of Regulations of the Flag and Coat of Arms of Khabarovsk Territory


  1. To adopt the decision of the Territorial Council "Of Regulations concerning the flag and coat of arms of Khabarovsk Territory."
  2. To direct the given decision to the head of the administration of the territory for signature and publication.

Chairman of the Council
V. A.Ozerov

Khabarovsk Territorial Council
28 July 1994 N. 66-A
On the regulations of the flag and coat of arms of Khabarovsk Territory


  1. To adopt the Regulation on the flag of Khabarovsk Territory (Attachment N. 1).
  2. To adopt the Regulation on the coat of arms of Khabarovsk Territory (Attachment N. 2)
  3. Control of the observance of existing regulations rests on the organs of state authority and local self-government of Khabarovsk Territory.

Head of Administration
V. I. Ishaiev

Attachment N. 1
to the decision
of the Khabarovsk Territorial Council
28 July 1994
Regulation on the flag of Khabarovsk Territory

Section 1. General Regulations

1.1. The flag of Khabarovsk Territory is the symbol of the sovereign governing authority of Khabarovsk Territory.

Section 2. Description of the flag of Khabarovsk Territory

2.1. The flag appears in rectangular bunting, divided in forked manner into three parts (fields N.1, N.2, N.3). The central angle of the isosceles triangle (field N.1) measures 90 degrees. Field N.1 is green, field N.2 is white, field N.3 is (light) blue. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3.

2.2. The bunting of the flag is filled by the use of two heraldic colors and one (noble) metal, which signify:

  • blue (azure), symbol of beauty, softness, grandeur. In the given case it symbolizes also the abundant water resources of the territory;
  • green (vert), the color of hope, joy, abundance. It symbolizes also the uniqueness of the flora and faunaof our territory, "the limitless sea of the taiga."
  • white (silver), symbol of purity, goodness, innocence (modesty). In the palette of the flag it reflects the cloudless, peaceful sky, the purity of the intentions of the inhabitants of the territory.

2.3. The flag is simple to prepare, lacking superfluous elements, easy to remember, effectively recognized at a significant distance, and sharply distinguished from the state flag of Russia. Illustrations of the flag of Khabarovsk territory are attached:

  • in color — one exemplar;
  • line drawing variant with the fields labeled — one exemplar.

2.4. [Concerns the preservation of the original and related materials in the territorial government museum].

2.5. When hoisted simultaneously with the state flag of the Russian Federation the flag of Khabarovsk Territory must not exceed the dimensions of the state flag of the Russian Federation.

Section 3. Order and rules for hoisting the flag of Khabarovsk Territory

3.1. When the state flag of the Russian Federation and the flag of Khabarovsk Territory are hoisted simultaneously, the state flag of the Russian Federation must be hoisted on the left of the building (if one stands facing the façade), and the flag of Khabarovsk Territory on the right.

3.2. When numerous flags are hoisted simultaneously, the state flag of the Russian Federation must be placed in the center (if an even number, left center), and the flag of Khabarovsk Territory must be placed to the right of the state flag of the Russian Federation.

3.3. The flag of Khabarovsk Territory must, regardless of dimensions, answer to the description given in the actual regulation.

3.4. Hoisting the flag of Khabarovsk Territory is required:

  • on the buildings of the administration of Khabarovsk Territory, the Khabarovsk Territorial Council, the territorial court, the territorial court of arbitration, the territorial chief prosecutor’s office, and conference hall, continuously;
  • on the transport media of the head of the administration of Khabarovsk Territory and the chairman of the Khabarovsk Territorial Council, both within the country and on trips abroad.

3.5. Hoisting the flag of Khabarovsk Territory is permitted:

  • on the administrative buildings of structural subdivisions of the territorial organs of government, public associations, businesses, institutions and organizations regardless of the form of ownership, and also on dwellings and streets on days of celebration and memorial;
  • on buildings of the official representatives of Khabarovsk Territory abroad in accordance with the norms of international law and the traditions of the country where located;
  • on marine (riverine) vessels of internal navigation and other means of transport, on which in their official capacity are found the head of the administration of Khabarovsk Territory, the chairman of the Khabarovsk Territorial Council and on other occasions in accordance with maritime traditions;
  • on vessels entered in the state register of shipping of the Russian Federation or the shipping register of the state riverine navigational inspection on which are given a shipping patent according to the shipping papers, as ensign. On tugboats conducting other ships or rafts, the flag of Khabarovsk Territory is hoisted together with the state flag of the Russian Federation as bow flag [three words omitted].

3.6. The flag of Khabarovsk Territory must be found:

  • in the office of the head of the administration of Khabarovsk Territory,
  • in the office of the chariman of the Khabarovsk Territorial Council,
  • in the halls of the sessions of the administration of the territory and of the Territorial Council.
The flag of Khabarovsk Territory may be found in the offices of:
  • directors of Territorial organs of executive authority;
  • deputies of the Territorial Council, working on a constant basis;
  • directors of structural subdivisions of the Territorial Council;
  • judges of the territorial court;
  • the chief prosecutor of the territory;
  • the heads of local organs of self-government.

3.7. The flag of Khabarovsk Territory may be hoisted at ceremonies and in time of festive activities conducted by organs of the state authority and local self-government, public corporations, businesses, institutions and associations regardless of the form of ownership, and also in time of familial festive activities.

3.8. On days of mourning the flag of Khabarovsk Territory must be lowered. On such occasions in the upper part of the flag of Khabarovsk Territory must be attached a black ribbon, as long as the length of the flag. In token of mourning the flag of Khabarovsk Territory may be lowered to the middle of the flagpole.

3.9. Responsibility for observance of established orders about the hoisting of the flag of Khabarovsk Territory rests with the directors of organs of state authority and local self-government of Khabarovsk Territory, corporations, establishments, and associations, and for hoisting on private homes, immediately on the owners thereof.

3.10. Those guilty of defiling the flag of the Khabarovsk Territory bear responsibility in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Attachment N.2
to the decision
of the Khabarovsk Territorial Council
28 July 1994 N.66-A
Resolution on the Coat of Arms of Khabarovsk Territory

Section 1. General Considerations

1.1. The coat of arms of Khabarovsk Territory is a symbol of the sovereign legal status of Khabarovsk Territory.

Section 2. Description of the Coat of Arms of Khabarovsk Territory

2.1. The coat of arms is executed on a shield of French heraldic form. In the center of the shield, of silver (white) color, on the honor point, is depicted a powerful natural figure of a bear, black in color, white-breasted, sitting on its hind paws, which in its forepaws carefully holds to its breast the historical coat of arms of Khabarovsk, the administrative center of Khabarovsk Territory. The head of the bear, with open mouth, red eyes and tongue, is turned toward the rising of the "most radiant sun," in the east (with a reflective expression).

translated by John Ayer, 10 Mar 1999, from the territory official website


The law text I have [cdd97a] and [cdd97b] is not exactly the text of the web. It seems that one version (the web one) is the first version of the law, whereas I have a more complete version, the problem is that the date of the law ion the web is more recent than the date I have (same month though), but the number of the law on the web is more ancient than mine. My version doesn’t bring much more, just more bla bla, like «all citizen of the region shall respect the flag…», etc..
Pascal Vagnat, 11 Mar 1999