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Maturin (Monagas, Venezuela)

Municipio Maturín

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image by Raúi Jesús Orta Pardo, 22 December 2006

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Here are the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Maturín Municipality, Monagas State – at the East of Venezuela, realized yesterday.
Product of an initiative of Municipal Council that designated since August this year a Commission for organize the Symbollogical Patrimony of Maturín under the General Coordination of Professor EDGAR RONDON, Chronicler of Civil Parish "Alto de los Godos" and counting with our modest Symbollogical support, Maturinesian Flag, Coat of Arms and Anthem was pre-selected by an Examining Jury specially designated to the effects which put under popular consultation five projects of Flag, four of coat of arms and three for Anthem guaranteed by the Main Public Notary and ratified by means of agreement of the Municipal Council.
The Flag, created by Prof. Felix Cetrone (Musical Educator with ample trajectory) and selected by means of contest opened by Municipal Council on November 18 th, 2006, is described this way:
- Attributes It consists of a cloth with approximated ratio 2:3; this is, square and half of length, divided into three vertical stripes of equal size with the colors red, yellow and blue. As charges, appears a constellation of ten (10) yellow stars disposed in vertical line vertical slightly off-centered to the hoist on the red stripe and the black streamlined silhouette of Cacique (Indian Chief) Maturín oriented to the hoist on the center of the yellow stripe.
- Semiology: Red stripe alludes to the blood spilled by Maturinesian Heroes, the sacrifice and the passion of the men and women who wrote the history of the Municipality; yellow stripe remembers the wealth of the locality and the blue one represents its hydrological resources. The ten stars symbolize the civil parishes that integrate the Municipality and the silhouette raises its heroic eponymous: Cacique Maturín.
The Coat of Arms created by Mr. John Elias Aguirre Blanco (Student and Graphic Designer), selected by means of public contest promoted and sponsored by Municipal Council on November 18 th, 2006 and re-designed by Symbollogist Raúi Jesús Orta Pardo with consent and by expresses instructions of the mentioned Corp and approval of its Author on November 27th, 2006, corresponds with the following description:
- Attributes: English contour divided per fess – with curved line oriented to the chief (upwards) -, the chief per pale, presents three quarters: the dexter-chief enameled in Gules (red) loads an opened book in its color showing inscription "MATURIN" on black gothic capital letters of Arial type, superimposed by a square and a pen, both in its colors; the sinister-chief, enameled in Or (yellow) shows a Solar Aureole in its colors and quarter of the base, enameled in Azure (blue) loads a mango tree, accompanied right and left by two petroleum towers all in its colors and terraced of Vert (green). As external ornaments, the blazon shows a rising sun in Or (yellow) with eight straight and widening rays loaded by an arc in Azure (blue) and Gules (red) as crest; two branches of natural laurel as supports to both flanks and the images in carnation (Human skin heraldic color) dressed in Or (yellow) of a native maintaining their arc, arrows and spear to the dexter, and of a lady brandishing upwards an Or sword to the sinister as tenants: both raised on a pedestal bordered (with stripes) of Gules (red), Or (yellow) and Azure (blue) loaded with a representation of Municipal Flag with ephemeris "1760" on the center surrounded by five stars of Argent (white) delineated in Sable (black) and as mottoes the words "LIBERTAD " (Freedom) to the dexter and "PROGRESO" (Progress) to the sinister in gothic capital letters with Arial style in Sable (black). Two branches of olive tree under the pedestal complete the design.
- Semiology: First Quarter, enameled in Gules (red) for symbolize Boldness, Courage and Valor, represent the blood spilled by local natives and liberators in its liberation fights. The opened book, that remembers the wisdom and the knowledge, shows word " MATURIN": name which designates this splendid portion of Venezuelan geography. The square remembers Calculation and Method for represent sciences, whereas the pen alludes to intellectual and artistic restlessness proper of humanism. Second Quarter, enameled in Or (yellow) for indicate Authority, Constance and Magnanimity allude to the wealth and potentials of the Municipality. Solar Aureole, which symbolizes the plenty and eternal blessings of the Creator and its eternal pact of reconciliation with all form of life on the Earth face represents, in addition, the diversity and the harmonic coexistence that characterizes the living of the locality. Third Quarter, enameled in Azure (blue) for signaling Justice, Loyalty and Perseverance, represent the sky and hydrological abundance existing in the zone. The mango tree, very appreciated in the Municipality, speaks us about the fertility of its ground whereas the petroleum towers remind this important resource of its economy. The terrace in Vert (green) represents Courtesy, Camaraderie, Hospitality and the Hope to obtain Abundance of knowledge and sources for reach and maintain a maintained development. The rising sun complemented by the arc in Azure (blue) and (Gules) red, symbolizes the shining present and future of the Municipality: its geographic location to the East of Venezuela and also its deep entailment with Great Homeland. Laurel branches remember the triumph. The images alludes to heroic eponymous of the Municipality, Cacique Maturín and its legendary Heroin, Juana Ramirez "the Avanzadora" (something like "the advancer"): historical icons of permanent memory, example and legacy for its inhabitants. The pedestal constitutes reaffirmation of municipal being and identity due to there is reproduced its emblematic colors. Ephemeris "1760" recalls the foundation of the city of Maturín. The stars symbolize the five more important historical facts of the locality. The mottoes affirm the fundamental essence and intention on which is sustained its existence and its posterity. Olive tree branches allude to peace and the spiritual victory of the Maturinesian People.
The Anthem, called "Victorioso Maturín" ("Victorious Maturín") creation (Lyrics/Music) of Prof. Felix Cetrone (the same Author of the Municipal Flag), was selected by means of contest opened by Municipal Council on November 18 th, 2006 and its lyrics is the following:

Bajo un cielo azul y un sol radiante (Under a blue sky and a shining sun)

se levanta orgulloso tu suelo, (it's proudly raised your ground)

surca el río Guarapiche tu seno (Guarapiche River cross your sine)

canta el viento tu gloria inmortal. (Wind sings your inmortal glory)

Por Fray Lucas fundada en la historia (By Fray Lucas founded on history)

fue venciéndolo todo a su paso, (it was winning over all step by step)

Maturín la del cálido abrazo, (Maturin with a warm embrace)

de Monagas la cuna triunfal. (from Monagas the triumph cradle)

Coro (Chorus):

Del Cacique valiente guerrero, (from the Indian Chief, valiant warrior)

quien luchó con bravura hasta el fin, (who fought with fierceness until the end)

hoy tu nombre se alza hasta el cielo, (today your name is raised to the sky)

victorioso ¡viva Maturín! (victorious, long life Maturín!)


En la patria plasmaste tu huella (On the Homeland you shaped your track)

Maturín, sin rendirte ante nada.(Maturin no surrendered before nothing)

cuna de José Tadeo Monagas, (Cradle of José Tadeo Monagas)

tu hijo ilustre, patriota ejemplar. (your ilustrious son, ejemplar patriot)

En tu pecho se muestra triunfante (on your chest is showed triumphant)

Juana Ramírez, "La Avanzadora",

y recibe a quien a Dios implora (and receives who to God praires)

tu imponente y bella catedral.(your magnificent and beauitful catedral) 


Sobre el fértil verdor de tu suelo (on the fertile green of your ground)

tus parroquias forjan tu futuro, (your parishes forge your future)

avanzando a un destino seguro (advancing to a safe destiny)

de trabajo, de unión, de hermandad,(of work, of union, of brotherhood)

cual brioso corcel galopante (Like a arrogant and galopant horse)

al progreso llevando tu rumbo, (to the progress conducing your way)

asumiendo tu reto ante el mundo (assuming your challenge befote the World)

por las sendas de la libertad.(by the roads oif the freedom)

In addition to its Formal Symbols (Flag, coat of arma, anthem), Maturín Municipality also selected by means of popular voting its Ecological and Traditional Emblems, that is to say:
Emblematic Animal: the Iguana (Iguana Iguana);
Emblematic Tree: the Mango (Mangifera indicates L);
Emblematic Bird: the Tile (Thraupis episcopus);
Emblematic Flower: the Cayena (Pink Hibiscus);
Emblematic Fruit: the Mango (Mangifera indicates L);
Emblematic Insect: the Bee (melífera Apis);
Natural Monument: Guarapiche River;
Emblematic Plant: Cane of India (Costus allenii Maas).
Titular Christian Invocation: Our Lord Jesus Christ;
Titular Marian Invocation: Our Lady of Holy Ghost' Valley ;
Typical Dance: the Venezuelan Eastern Joropo;
Typical Drink: Carato de Mango (Mango local Juice);
Typical Meet: Maturinesian Pavilion (black beans with rice and another things specially prepared),
Architectonic Landmark: Cathedral of Our Lady of the Carmen;
Musical Instrument: the Cuatro;
Local Myth and Legend: the Silbón;
Historical Monument: "Juana the Avanzadora" rounded square;
Typical Desert: Papaya's Candy
Popular Musical Rhithym: the Galerón.
Raúi Jesús Orta Pardo, 22 December 2006

Coat of Arms

image by Raúi Jesús Orta Pardo, 22 December 2006