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Colombia - Education Institutes Flags (N) - Part II

Last modified: 2015-01-23 by zoltán horváth
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Nuestra Señora de Chiquinquirá, Colegio Parroquial

image by Ivan Sache, 3 January 2009

"Colegio Parroquial Nuestra Señora de Chiquinquirá" was founded in 1964 by Priest Ernesto Villegas in Bello, a municipality part of Greater Medellín, Department of Antioquia. The institute is named after the patroness of Colombia, Our Lady of the Rosary (see: < >).
The flag and coat of arms of the institute were created by Sister Teresita Mora in 1973.
The flag, as shown graphically on the website of the institute, is blue with a white stripe in the middle, a "cristofer" (Cross of Lorraine) in its left part and three stars in its right part, all white. Blue and white are the Marian colours.
From the drawing, it can be guessed (but not ascertained) that the white stripe follows the ascending diagonal. The location and size of the charges are not straightforward: the stars, representing science, virtue and life, seem to be four-pointed, in increasing size from left to right; on the coat of arms, however,  they are of equal size, five- pointed and placed along the ascending fiagonal. The "cristofer" represents the Archbishopric (I guess, of Medellín).
On the website of the institute, the image of the coat of arms is much less ambiguous than the image of the flag, which seems to have been directly derived from the shield, and should, therefore, have the same graphical characteristics.
Ivan Sache, 3 January 2009

Nuestra Señora, Colegio Parroquial de

image by Ivan Sache, 30 June 2014

Colegio Parroquial de Nuestra Señora (CPNS) was established on 11 February 1962 in the Quiroga borough (Bogotà) by Father Guillermo Agudelo Giraldo.
The flag of CPNS is horizontally divided white-blue.
Source: - CPNS website
Ivan Sache, 30 June 2014

Nuestra Señora del Amparo, Instituto

image by Ivan Sache, 4 February 2009

"Instituto Nuestra Señora del Amparo" (INSA) was founded in Bogotá by the Congregation of "Dominicas Hijas de Nuestra Señora de Nazareth" (Dominican Daighters of Our Lady of Nazareth). The congregation,  founded on 25 March 1938 by Mother Maria Sara Alvarado Ponton (1902-1980) and Friar Enrique Alberto Higuera Barrera (1906-1976), was canonically recognized by the Holy See on 8 September 1975.
The flag of the institute, as described on the webpage of the institute, is horizontally divided white-green. White represents the devotion to the Blessed Virgin, translated as an invitation to live in purity and to build a pacific society. Green represents the aspiration to a better world and the significance of ecology for the students.
Ivan Sache, 4 February 2009

Nuestra Señora de Belén, Institución Educativa

image by Ivan Sache, 28 September 2014

Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora de Belén is located in the Belén borough, part of the municipality of Cúcuta (Norte de Santander Department).
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided blue-white-red. Blue is the colour of the cloak of the Blessed Virgin. White is a symbol of the purity of heart. Red is a symbol of fire and life.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 28 September 2014

Nuestra Señora de Incarnación, Escuela Normal Superior

image by Ivan Sache, 03 November 2014

Escuela Normal Superior Nuestra Senora de Incarnación originates in a small school established in Pasca (Cundinamarca Department) in 1959 by the parish priest, Jaime Hincapié Santamaría (1914-2005). Escuela Normal Superior Nuestra Senora de Incarnación was eventually established by Resolution No. 374 of 23 February 1999.
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided white-dark blue. White is a symbol of purity and transparency. Blue is a symbol of the immensity of heavens. White and blue are the colours of the cloak of Our Lady of the Incarnation, the patron saint of the municipality of Pasca and of the institute.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 03 November 2014

Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Institución Educativa

image by Ivan Sache, 12 July 2014

Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora del Carmen is located in La Dorada (Caldas Department).
The flag of the institute is red with a blue triangle that had vertices in lower hoist, lower fly and midpoint of the upper edge. The institute's emblem is placed in the upper part of the blue triangle.
The emblem of the institute follows the same pattern, with yellow charges: a lily in the blue field, a lamp in upper hoist and a star in upper fly. The motto of the institute reads "VIRTUD CIENCIA" (Virtue Science). - Student's blog
Ivan Sache
, 12 July 2014

Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, Colegio Integrado

image by Ivan Sache, 21 June 2014

Colegio Integrado Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes (Colmercedes), located in Lebrija (Santander Department), was established in 2002 as the merger of Colegio Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, Centro Educativo Piloto Cuzamán and another ten rural schools from the neighbouring villages.
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided white-dark green. White is a symbol of [...] (the missing word in the source must be "peace"). Dark green is a symbol of hope, aspiration to surpassing, and reconciliation with the natural environment.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 21 June 2014

Nuestra Señora de La Presentación, Colegio de

image by Ivan Sache, 27 June 2014

Colegio de Nuestra Señora de La Presentación - Centro was established on 19 March 1877 in Bogotá by the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, a congregation founded in 1695 by Marie Poussepin (1653-1744; beatified on 20 November 1994 by Pope John Paul II). Among the famous alumni of the institute are the politicians Eduardo Santos Montejo (1888-1974), 21st President of the Republic of Colombia (1938-1942) and Carlos Sanz de Santamaría (1905-1992), Mayor of Bogotá (1942-1944), Colombia Ambassador to US (1945-1946; 1960-1962), Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations (1982-1983), and Minister of Economy (1944-1945), of Finance (1945; 1962-1964), of War (1946-1947), and of Foreign Affairs (1957-1958), and the Jesuit Father Félix Restrepo Mejia (1887-1965), Rector of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and renovator of the Colombian Academy of Language.
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided blue-white-blue.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 27 June 2014

Nuestra Señora de la Sabiduría para Niños Sordos, Instituto

image by Ivan Sache, 1 February 2009

"Instituto Nuestra Señora de la Sabiduría para Niños Sordos" (for deaf children) was founded by a French nun, Mother Ives del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, in San Juanito, Department of Meta, on 17 March 1924. This was the first attempt of specific education for deaf children in Colombia. President of the Republic Eduardo Santos Teniendo Conocimiento ordered the transfer of the institute to Bogotá, which was completed on 8 May 1940.
The institute is ran by sisters of the Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom, one of the three branches of the Montfortian family. The three congregations originate in the Company of Mary, founded by St. Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort (1673-1716, canonized in 1947), who has remained famous for his devotion to the Blessed Virgin.
The flag of the institute, as video-presented and described on the website of the institute, is horizontally divided dark (lit. "burned") yellow-white-green with the emblem of the institute in the middle. The dimension of the real flag is 2.50 m x 1.50 m.
Yellow represents the belonging to the universal church and the spiritual and philosophical resources of the Montfortian spirituality.
White symbolizes simplicity, peace, truth and the virtues that transcend all the acts in the life and allow the actions of the educational community.
Green represents thr commitment to conservation and preservation of natural resurces as well as hope.
The emblem of the institute, presented in the same way, is made of a yellow star charged with an icon of the Blessed Virgin, surmonting a King blue scroll charged with "Sabiduria" (Wisdom) in white letters and ending with two pink orchids, from which emerge three rays of yellow light charged with "Ciencia" (Science), "Fe" (Faith) and "Vida" (Life), respectively, all in black letters.
Blue is the symbol of happy life, dynamism, youth and search of happiness through daily meetings with Jesus' wisdom.
Ivan Sache, 1 February 2009

Nuestra Señora de las Misericordias, Hijas de

image by Ivan Sache, 3 February 2009

The Congregation "Hijas de Nuestra Señora de las Misericordias" (Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy) was founded on 11 October 1951 in Santa Rosa de Osos, Department of Antioquia, by His Grace Miguel Ángel Builes Gómez, Bishop of Santa Rosa de Osos. The congregation has today 30 houses in nine countries.
The Congregation runs two educational institutes in Colombia, "Collegio Técnico Nuestra Señora de las Misericordias" in Santa Rosa de Osos and "Collegio Nuestra Señora de las Misericordias" in Soacha, Department of Cundinamarca.
The flag of the congregation, as shown graphically on the website of the congregation, is horizontally divided white-light blue, the traditional Marian colours.
Ivan Sache, 3 February 2009

Nuestra Señora de las Nieves, Institución Educativa

image by Ivan Sache, 05 July 2011

"Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora de las Nieves" was founded in Guaitarilla (Nariño Department) by the priest Bernardo Arevalo Bolaños (1926-2006).
The flag of the institute is shown graphically and described on the institute's blog as horizontally divided yellow-red with a white triangle placed along the hoist. Yellow represents the richness of knowledge. Red represents love, commitment, energy and strength. White represents innocence, peace and tranquillity of our youth.
Ivan Sache, 05 July 2011

Nuestra Señora de las Nieves, Liceo

image by Ivan Sache, 24 September 2014

Liceo Nuestra Señora de las Nieves is located in Bogotá.
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided white-red.
Ivan Sache, 24 September 2014

Nuestra Señora de Nazareth, Colegio

image by Ivan Sache, 07 October 2014

Colegio Nuestra Señora de Nazareth is a girl's school established in Bogóta.
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided celestial blue-white-celestial blue (1:2:1). Blue and white are the colours of the cloak of the Immaculate Virgin.  They represent also the two pillars of the institute, Mary and the Eucharist. Blue is the colour of immensity and deepness. White, the colour of light, is a symbol of purity, humility, and  sincerity.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 07 October 2014

Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Colegio de

"Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Pilar - Chapinero" is managed in Chapinero, Bogotá, by the Sisters of the Charity of St. Ann, a congregation founded in 1804 in Saragossa (Spain) by Father Juan Bonal and Mother María Rafols. The institute, founded on 3 October 1949 by Mothers Julia Nasarre and Felisa Esandi, is dedicated to Our Lady of the Pilar, enshrined in Saragossa by the basilica of the same name.
The flag of the institute (photo shown on the institute's website) is white with, in the middle, the coat of arms of the Sisters of the Charity of St. Ann, surrounded by the name of the institute ("COLEGIO NTRA SRA DEL PILAR") and surmounting "BOGOTA". The writing are in golden archaic letters. White is a symbol of purity.

The coat of arms of the Sisters of the Charity of St. Ann is the former coat of arms of the Royal General Hospital of Our Lady of Grace, located in Saragossa. On 27 October 1923, Mother Pabla Bescós required the authorization to use the former arms of the Hospital for the Order, which was granted "without any inconvenience" on 18 March 1924 by the Ministry of Justice. The lilies in the jar shown on the arms date back to the Christian Reconquest of Spain. In 1044, King of Navarra García found in Nájera a statue of the Virgin hidden in a cave, placed beside lilies in a clay jar. To celebrate the miracle, the king set up the Order of Chivalry of the Terrace, the oldest founded by kings in Spain, whose emblem would be a lilies in a clay jar, the whole on a white background, symbolizing the mystery of Incarnation. It became then common in Spain to represent in cathedrals Angel Gabriel saluting the Virgin with a vase of lilies. In 1403, Infante Ferdinand of Castile renewed this usage, asking his sons to bear the jar emblem. His son Alfonso V founded in 1425 the Royal Hospital, which was granted arms with the lilies in the jar. María Rafols and the first sisters who served in the Hospital used this emblem on their cloth; when the cloth was modified in 1969, the lilies in the jar and the crucifix were kept.
Ivan Sache, 28 July 2011

Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Institución Educativa

image by Ivan Sache, 08 July 2011

"Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora del Pilar" is located in ?.
The flag of the institute, as shown (photo) and described on the students' blog as horizontally divided emerald green-ruby red-gold yellow-ruby red-emerald green. Green represents hope. Red represents love and fraternity, as well as victory and joy.Yellow represents ingenuity, creativity and intelligence.
Ivan Sache, 08 July 2011

Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Colegio Mayor de

image by Ivan Sache, 6 January 2009

"Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario" was founded in 1654 in Arrayanes by the Dominican Friar Cristóbal de Torres, with permission of King of Spain Philip IV. Torres redacted the same year the "Constitutions" of the institute, based on those set up for the famous institute of Salamanca. Still forming the legal basis of the institute, the Constitutions were amended only a few times, in 1893, 1930, 1974, 1984 and 1995.
The flag of the institute, according to a photo available on the website of the institute, is white with the emblem of the institute in the middle.
The emblem is made of the Cross of Calatrava, which is the emblem of the Dominican Order, surroundered by a rosary made of five groups of ten small blue grains each, inscribed in a wide blue ring charged with the name of the institute in white letters and a white Latin cross at the bottom of the ring. Designed by Father Torres, the original emblem has been submitted to various changes all over the history of the institute.
Ivan Sache, 6 January 2009

Nueva Alianza Integral, Colegio

image by Ivan Sache, 22 July 2014

Colegio Nueva Alianza Integral was founded in 1979 in Nariño Sur (Bogotá) by María del Carmen Vivas de Romero, as Jardín Infantil Manecitas. The institute, managed by the Romero Vivas y Co. Ltd., was renamed in 2005 Colegio Nueva Alianza Integral and relocated on a piece of land part of the Milagros estate, once owned by the wife of the Precursor Antonio Nariño, where the Libertador Simón Bolívar wrote on liberty.

The flag of the institute is horizontally divided blue-white-red (1:2:1) with the institute's emblem in the middle. Blue is a symbol of law, justice, sovereignty and tranquility. White is a symbol of purity, tranquility and immensity of the heart. Red is a symbol of love for God, of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, of power, joy, and celebration.

The emblem of the institute is made of the stylized letters C (red, for "Colegio"), N (green, for "Nueva") and A (blue, for "Alianza"), surrounding a blue triangle charged with a yellow "integrally educated" child. The lower part of the "C" is inscribed with the institute's motto "SER - SABER - HACER" (To Be - To Know - To Have) in yellow letters. - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 22 July 2014

Nueva Colombia, Institución Educativa

image by Ivan Sache, 06 October 2014

Institución Educativa Nueva Colombia is located in Bogóta.
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided black-red-white (2:1:1).
Ivan Sache, 06 October 2014

Nueva Escocia, Gimnasio

"Gimnasio Nueva Escocia", founded in 1982,  is located in Bogotá. The name of the institute was proposed by members of the board who had studied in Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia, Canada.
The flag of "Gimnasio Nueva Escocia" is described on the institute website as follows: "Its white background symbolizes the purity of the heart of the children and teenagers. The red stripe symbolizes love that should unite all of us and all members of the Nueva Escocia family. The blue stripe symbolizes the wide horizon offered to the students."
There is, unfortunately, no image helping to decide how the colours are arranged on the flag.
Ivan Sache, 15 December 2008

Nueva Granada, Institución Educativa

image by Ivan Sache, 25 November 2014

Institución Educativa Nueva Granada is located in Desquebradas (Risaralda Department).
The flag of the institute is white with a red right-angled triangle in the lower hoist and a green right-angled triangle in the upper fly, and the institute's emblem in the middle. White is a symbol of kindness, generosity, patience, humility, nobleness, serenity, tenderness and conciliation as a compromise towards peace. Red is a symbol of optimism, force, decision and elation, exemplified during the process of relocation and rebuilding of the school. Green recalls the early establishment the school on the picturesque and natural banks of river Otún, in a place exposed to flooding, and the aspiration to the relocation of the little school in a place preserved from natural disasters.
The emblem of the institute is a shield surmounted by a scroll in the institution al colours (red and green) and inscribed with the word "EXCELENCIA". The shield is charged in the middle with an owl, as a symbol of institutional knowledge. The interlaced hands mean fraternity and friendship and represent products and service traded by a handshake. The book, the quill and the pair of glasses refer to learning. The flame refers to the sports dynamic enjoyed by the institution. The musical notes and the dancing pair honour folklore and music as the most efficient institutional means to highlight values, talents, models, reconstruction of social network and creative use of leisure time. The yellow-green bordure stands for Desquebradas, while the yellow-blue-red bordure stands for Colombia.
Source: - Institute's blog
Ivan Sache, 25 November 2014

Nuevo Modelia, Gimnasio

image by Ivan Sache, 07 August 2014

Gimnasio Nuevo Modelia was established in 1992 in Bogotá, as Jardín Infantil Modelia Bilingüe, transformed into a Gimnasio in 1998.
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided blue-green. Blue is a symbol of God's will, loyalty, knowledge, intelligence, and truth. Green is a symbol of harmony, hope, growth, and concentration.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 07 August 2014