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Unidentified Flags or Ensigns (2014) Page 5

flags submitted in 2014 - 5 of 5 pages

Last modified: 2016-01-21 by pete loeser
Keywords: ufe | unidentified flags | 2013 |
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Below is a series of images of flags that have been provided to FOTW; some we have recognized, and some we have been unable to recognize. If you can help us identify any of these flags, please let us know! Contact the: UFE Editor.

Identification Key:

= Positive ID (Positive Identification)
= Tentative ID (Tentative Identification)
= Some Speculation

Unidentified Flags on Page 1

  1. Unknown German Inland Shipping J-Company
  2. Unknown Rostock Flag
  3. Unknown Swedish Flag
  4. Unknown Philippine Flag
  5. Signal Flags on the Tusitala
  6. Unidentified Flag on a Tea Cup
  7. Unknown VNSC Pennant
  8. Unknown Yacht Club Burgee
  9. Unknown English House Flag
  10. Confederate Blockade Runner Flag
  11. Unidentified flag or banner from Afghanistan
  12. Unknown signal flags
  13. Glaris flag postcard (Swiss)
  14. Mysterious Flag of Tocancipá
  15. Unknown flag in Ladakh (India)
  16. Political Venezuela UFE
  17. Two UFE Pennants
  18. Russian Military UFE
  19. Ukrainian flag UFE
  20. Strange Rebel Flag.

Unidentified Flags on Page 2

  1. Flags at Barneo, Russia.
  2. William Wyllie Etching
  3. Four Unidentified Flags from Reddit
  4. Chile Political UFE
  5. EAR&H Badge
  6. Ship House Flag on Mug
  7. Unknown Argentine Shipping Line
  8. Unknown Red Swallowtail Flag with Lion
  9. Unknown Chinese Flag
  10. Unusual German Flag, Interwar Years
  11. Cambodian UFE
  12. Phnom Penh International Airport Flags
  13. UFE seen in Crimea, Ukraine
  14. Strange Greek-like Flag Near Portland.
  15. Brunswick Infantry Colour (18th Century)
  16. More Russian UFE's at Barneo Base

Unidentified Flags on Page 3

  1. Ukrainian UFEs
  2. Turkish UFE
  3. Turkish Airport UFE
  4. A Very Odd Duck
  5. Turkish or Kurdish UFE
  6. Iraqi Military UFE
  7. Three Somalia UFE's Seen on Poster
  8. Somalia Police flag
  9. Three Unidentified flags from Syria
  10. War Dogs flag
  11. Unknown British (?) Flags
  12. Unknown Italian flag
  13. Possible "Port" Pennant
  14. Unidentified flag in Devont, England
  15. Unknown Flag, possibly Indian
  16. Unknown Flag, possibly Russian
  17. Scissors Flag from Wonderland
  18. Flag found in Flea Market
  19. Strange Double-Headed Eagle Flag

Unidentified Flags on Page 4

  1. Unidentified Oregon Union Flag
  2. Hussite Church Flag in Prague
  3. Yacht Club UFE?
  4. Portuguese Communal Flag
  5. Gift Shop Flag in St. Georges (Bermuda)
  6. African Refugee Rally Flag in Israel
  7. Strange Botswana Flag
  8. Official French Government Flag found in Mexico?
  9. Unknown Shiite Militia Flag
  10. Unknown flag, RWB with ship's wheel
  11. Ukrainian UFE
  12. Chinese UFE military flag
  13. Unindentified flags in Serbia
  14. Unknown Catalan flag
  15. Unusual Saudi Arabian Flag
  16. Unrecognized Greek Emblem
  17. Unknown Western Australia Flag
  18. Two Simple Unknown Flags
  19. USAAC Flag with Gold Star
  20. Mystery flags - Somali?
  21. Unknown flag in Ferguson, MO (US)
  22. Two Anonymous Flags

Unidentified Flags on This Page

  1. 14-78. Iran UFE
  2. Iran - Green UFE with inscription
  3. Iran - UFE (Possible Government Flag)
  4. UFE's of Kurdish Origin
  5. Unidentified rose symbol
  6. Two Unknown flags in Istambul
  7. Unidentified flag in Athens
  8. Two flags (probably military flags), seen in Athens
  9. Unknown Canadian flag
  10. Unidentified Flag on Vogue Bambini

Unidentified Flags on other pages

14-78. Iran UFE Some Speculation

Image from Esteban Rivera, 30 November 2014

I've found this Iranian UFE from this picture taken on 1393-7-9 (Persian calendar) which belongs to this picture gallery. When I translate it, the following title comes: "World Assembly of Clerks Roqiyeh (R) Bint Al Hussein" Does anybodoy know if it's indeed a flag and what it stands for?
Esteban Rivera, 30 November 2014

Ruqayyah bint Husayn (transcriptions vary) was a young daughter of Imam Husayn ibn Ali who was present with him at the Battle of Karbila. For the Shi'ites, it is all very moving. What does the inscription in the circle on the flag say?
John Ayer, 3 January 2015

14-79. Iran - Green UFE with inscription Positive ID

Image from Esteban Rivera, 30 November 2014

In this picture from this source taken back in 2010, the green flag in the middle with red lettering is unidentified. Could it possibly be government related?
Esteban Rivera, 30 November 2014

It reads as "Ya Hussein", but I have no idea what it does mean.
Zoltan Horvath, 30 November 2014

May be something to do with "Ya Hussain"
Dirk Schönberger, 30 November 2014

It seems to be a religious prayer: "Ya Hussain is an Arabic phrase used by Shia Muslims to invoke the memory or intervention of Hussain ibn Ali. It is especially used in the context of the Mourning of Muharram."
I've also seen the following variants: Black background with red letters on Brian J. McMorrow Galleries and White background with red letters on Ya Hussain Flag.
The explanation of the Iran Islam Shia Ya Husain Religious, Political and Military Flag is as follows: The inscript on the flag reads YA HUSAIN. He was the 3rd Imam of all Shia who was martyred in Karbala, Iraq, centuries ago and is a symbol for all Shias to raise against the Oppressors. The wording above YA HUSAIN is the Famous Hadith of Prophet Muhammad that reads: INNA-HUSAIN mISBAHUL-HUDA WA SAFINATUN-NAJAT that means "Husain is the Lighthouse of Islamic Guidance for the lost ships and the Rescue ship." Such flags are mostly used by Shia Political & Military Groups in Iran and Lebanon." Source:
Esteban Rivera, 30 November 2014

Not quite sure if it is a religious phrase. Mourning of Muharram was the day Hussain was murdered (some kind of genesis story of Shiite vs. Sunnite muslims). Basically it means something like "Remember Hussein" (and forever don't be friend with his murderers). The event marks the anniversary of the Battle of Karbala when Imam Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, and a Shia Imam, was killed by the forces of the second Umayyad caliph Yazid I at Karbala. Source: wikipedia "Mourning of Muharram".
Dirk Schönberger, 30 November 2014

14-80. Iran - UFE (Possible Government Flag) Some Speculation

Image from Esteban Rivera, 30 November 2014

Can anybody identify this flag from this source. When I translate it it says "Vice President of Science and Technolgy".
Esteban Rivera, 30 November 2014

Speculative image from Zoltan Horvath, 7 December 2014

I created its flag image. The upper inscription is "Presidency of the Republic" and the lower one means: "Vice [Presidency] for Science, Technology and Innovation". I think it's definitely not a rank flag but an organizational one.
Zoltan Horvath, 7 December 2014

14-81. UFE's of Kurdish Origin

#81a  #81b  #81c  #81d
Images from Esteban Rivera, 3 December 2014

On this al Jazeera's news report broadcasted today you can see a flag with several symbols of being Kurdish (if not supportive of a particular group, i.e. PKK, or the Kurdish Regional Government).
- Image #81a - a square flag, split into four equal areas where a red five-pointed star in the middle, with other colors related to Kurdish symbols (yellow and green), as seen on 1:27.
- Image #81b - a horizontal red flag, , with other colors related to Kurdish symbols (yellow and green), as seen on 1:29 onwards.
- Image #81c - a horizontal red flag, with other colors related to Kurdish symbols (yellow and green), as seen on 1:29 onwards.
- Image #81d - a horizontal red flag, , with other colors related to Kurdish symbols (yellow and green), as seen on 1:29 onwards.
I guess the second flag (#81b) is probably (and most likely) that of the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons.
"The Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (Teyrêênbazê Azadiya Kurdistan, TAK), also known as the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks, is a militant group that has committed attacks throughout Turkey, operating in southeastern Turkey and northern Iraq with a goal of securing Kurdish secession from Turkey. It is unclear whether or not TAK is connected to any other Kurdish nationalist organizations, though it is believed they split off from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) when they became dissatisfied with the group's tactics. The group was established on July 29, 2004. The group goes by other names including, but not limited to Kurdish Vengeance Brigade, Kurdistan Freedom Falcons Organization,Kurdistan Liberation Hawks."
Its flag is a red horizontal flag, with the logo in the middle, having the five-pointed red star inside a yellow sun, with the name Teyrênbazê Azadiya Kurdistan (in Turk) in green letters.
Esteban Rivera, 3 December 2014

14-82. Unidentified rose symbol

Image from Steve Blast, 8 December 2014

I hoping you might be able to assist me on identifying this symbol, if you have ever seen it before, or know any specific organization that uses it. Any information on this symbol would be apreciated to make sure its not from some "Nationalist Socialist (Skinhead) movement, but rather some other strain of political socialism or communist group. Can you possibly assist me in finding out what this symbol means?
Steve Blast, 8 December 2014

I don't recognise this particular symbol, although the design of it certainly looks like many of the Socialist Rose designs, and the colours are reminiscent of Germany or possibly Belgium. Where did you see it? Any clue as to nationality?
Rob Raiside, 8 December 2014

14-83. Two Unknown flags in Istambul One Tentative ID

Image from Jaume Ollé, 8 December 2014

When I visited the Blue Mosquee I can took a photo with the Turkey flag and two Unknown flags below it. Any ideas?
Jaume Ollé, 8 December 2014

For me, the second one on the right looks like a variant of the flag of Istanbul.
Olivier Touzeau, 9 December 2018

14-84. Unidentified flag in Athens Positive ID

Images from Jaume Ollé, 9 December 2014

These photos shaow three flags: the Red Cross, Greece, and an unknown flag with horizontal light blue-yellow-light blue stripes, with perhaps has a seal in center. Any ideas?
Jaume Ollé, 9 December 2014

Since Jaumá was the one that went to Athens, I would like to know where the flags in the photo were at, that is, a specific location, building or landmark that we can look for additional information.
Esteban Rivera, 13 December 2014

Both in Athens, but I'm unable to read any indication because all are in greek and furthermore I was in a bus. The other flag (probably B-W-Y-W-B) might be the Research and Informatics Corps.
Jaume Ollé, 13 December 2014

Image by Jens Pattke, 3 January 2015

This is the flag of the Special Supply Center Army Units (EKEMS) - Ειδικó Κεντρο Εφοδιασμοú Μοváδωv Στρατοú (ΕΚΕΜΣ). Credits and identification by Apostolos Gkadris.
Jens Pattke, 3 January 2015

14-85. Two flags (probably military flags), seen in Athens Positive ID

Image from Jaume Ollé, 9 December 2014

Two unknown flags, probably military, seen in Athens, frame the Greek Flag. The first photo of gives the context of the shot, with a inscription that can give a reference, and the second photo is an detail of the flags.
Jaume Ollé, 9 December 2014

Since Jaumá was the one that went to Athens, I would like to know where this photo was taken, that is, a specific location, building or landmark that we can look for additional information.
Esteban Rivera, 13 December 2014

Both in Athens, but I'm unable to read any indication because all are in greek and furthermore I was in a bus. The 1st (Y-W-R-W-Y) appears a military flag and might be the flag of the Medical Corps.
Jaume Ollé, 13 December 2014

The inscription is ΓENIKO NOƩOKOMEIO AƏHNΩN (General Hospital of Athens). The yellow flag looks like a flag of a state agency, authority or ministery. In the context of a hospital it thus has a reference to health. Perhaps Ministry of Health?
Jens Pattke, 14 December 2014

Image by Jens Pattke, 3 January 2015

This is the flag of Unit 401 of the General Military Hospital of Athens (GSNA) - Γεvικó Στρατιωτικó Νoσoκoμεío Αθηvωv (ΓΣΝΑ). Credits and identification by Apostolos Gkadris.
Jens Pattke, 3 January 2015

14-86. Unknown Canadian flag Some Speculation

Image from Sean Murphy, 9 December 2014
[Image cropped and flipped to put it into a more conventional orientation]

I'm trying to research a flag I've have for a very long time. It came from southern Ontario, likely Norfolk County, and Dominion Regalia couldn't determine for me what it was. I've had it 40 years, approximately, and I have no idea how long my uncle had it before me. Any advice you can give me on this is much appreciated.
Sean Murphy, 9 December 2014

I don't recognise this flag but the overall design looks vaguely nautical to me. I wonder if it might be the flag of a shipping line, although it is not one we currently list on FOTW.
Rob Raeside, 10 December 2014

Given the age of the flag, there is the possibility that it was created as one of the proposals for a new Canadian flag. If so, the ten red stripes (six horizontal and four vertical) probably represent the ten provinces of Canada and possibly the four vertical ones were intended to represent the Maritime Provinces.
Ernest Cline, 16 July 2015

14-87. Unidentified Flag on Vogue Bambini Positive ID

Image from RM Walsh, 20 December 2014

This Flag appeared on the cover of the Magazine Vogue Bambini earlier in 2014. What is it?
RM Walsh, 20 December 2014

UFE14-87 is from the June 2014 issue of Vogue Bambini magazine. It seems that it is a rendering of a fictional flag prepared just for the photoshoot of some children's clothing. Here's a better image of the front cover of the magazine. Source: Vogue Bambini magazine.
Esteban Rivera, 29 December 2014

Quite a complex design. Fantasy medieval? Well, it's a recent issue, and they apparently are able to understand English as well. Poster might try identification method #1.
Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg, 30 December 2014

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